Bitcoin Death Spiral

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The cost of mining bitcoins is much higher than its current market price of $3,202.

In simple words, maintaining the blockchain network is not profitable for the anonymous public anymore.

This is further compounded by the fact that it is about four times (4x) more profitable to mine altcoins like Zcash and Raven coin, than it is to mine Bitcoin. These altcoins put so much pressure on Bitcoin, as a mid conversion means to fiat money, making Bitcoins collapse inevitable.

A possible solution

1. The restriction of altcoins by regulatory bodies to prevent money laundering and pilfering by altcoin price manipulators

2. The full implementation of Bitcoin 2.0 (lightening network, that will replace compete effectively with current Mastercard and Paypal payment technologies)

Nevertheless, Bitcoin will eventually die in the end (2050 & beyond). Super technologies including Artificial Intelligence aided manufacture/prototyping will reduce the need for real money expenditure in many instances.

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