Everybody, including you, can have passive income starting today

It is high time for monetary freedom! Only then can we stop being enslaved to the bankers for 40 hours a week, and put much more of our precious time and energy into things that truly matter. Such as making love and peace.

Next to direct income, which is trading your time for money paid by the hour at a rate that hopefully increases slowly over the years (along with the percentage of tax you pay), there is another form of income: passive income, and you probably already know about that. An example is taking a microloan, starting your own small company, building it up over the years still trading time for money, but eventually becoming so large that you hire your own staff and then managing staff, ultimately owning a company for which you don’t have to trade time for money anymore. Money is now coming in regardless of the time you spend on it. This example process takes years, often a decade or two.

But not in the crypto world.

I am now sharing with you three ways of personally experienced passive income through crypto which anyone can do, starting today, regardless of the amount of fiat you have to invest. There is short term passive income (120 days), mid-term passive income (180-300 days) and long-term passive income (730 days to semi-infinity), all of which you can either redeem after that time or continue to keep investing in at an increased rate to keep the passive income flowing longer than the set period. The three ways of passive income I will explain here are ways that I have had experience with for quite some time now and am still doing at the moment by reinvesting. I will rate them according to growth curve.

1. BCC BitConnect Lending Model

BCC Lending is investing in the BitConnectCoin, not greatly different from investing in Steem Power rather than Steem. You invest a certain amount for a certain time, during which you get a daily interest rate payout, and eventually you get your capital back. Especially the capital back is a killer app, but wait for it, there is more.
Tier 1: Investment in BCC from $100 to $1000 for a period of 299 days.
Tier 2: Investment in BCC from $1010 to $5000 for a period of 239 days.
Tier 3: Investment in BCC from $5010 to $10000 for a period of 179 days.
Tier 4: Investment in BCC from $10010 and up for a period of 120 days.

How does it work: the average interest rate of the last 30 days at this time of posting is .99% a day. That would mean a starting amount of $1000 would see you get a daily interest, paid to your account in dollars, of $9.90. Your total profit would then be 299 x 9.90 = $2960.10 or, with your capital included, you would turn $1000 into $3960.10. That’s nearly four-fold in 10 months. It's good, but we've seen many crypto do much more. It gets better though: BitConnect appreciate bigger investments, but they actually shorten the capital return instead of extend it, and the killer app here is: you get bonus percentages at higher tiers. Tier 2 gives you an extra .10%, tier 3 an extra .20%, and tier 4 an extra .25%. An example at the lowest tier 4 investment: $10010. Daily interest of .98 + .25 is 1.23%, which is a daily $123.12. Your profit would be 120 x 123.12 = $14,774.40, or return including capital back at $24,784.40. That’s nearly 2.5x your initial investment. Careful. It may seem less than that four-fold at lower rates, but do not forget the finisher of killer apps: it only takes 120 days. Which means, if you intend to reinvest for another 120 days, still being done earlier than that 299 days of tier 1, you could reinvest it all and see that $24,784.40 turn into $61,366.17. Wow. Of course, you could repeat once more to make a full year (turning $10,010 into $151,942.63), or split by sluicing half back to fiat and half back into the system. The possibilities are limitless. And to top it off: if you like the system and an acquaintance is also interested, you can give them your affiliate link and you get 7% of that person’s investment. And if you particularly like that person, you just split those 7% and that person would already see 3,5% of his/her investment straight back into their account or in fiat. Just saying, spread the love. :)

Highest current growth curve Tier 4: multiply by 15.179 in 360 days.

2. Genesis Mining

I take my personal example: mining Dash with the X11 miners in Iceland. Of course there is a multitude of different coins to mine. What you do is slightly easier to set up than the above (though look at the difference in return). You rent a miner for the coin you like, paying in the coin you like (or fiat with credit card) at a fixed amount, and you entitle yourself to two years (mostly, but also different lengths) of mining, which will see you get paid daily a certain percentage of the total mining pool. You do not have to find pools. You do not have to put your daily rewards from genesis into your own online or offline wallet. Generally, you do not even have to pay for electricity (most miners are eco-friendly too, connected to Iceland’s geothermal geiser network). You simply rent a miner, fill in your public key of the coin of your choice, and enjoy the daily rewards. Why would it be profitable for them? Well, you generally pay more for the two-year contract than the cost of buying your own miner. So why not buy your own miners? Well, for starters, most good miners are continually sold out worldwide. Then Genesis Mining do this for a living, so they have some excellent techs to keep them running perfectly, to switch algorithms, they have nearly zero electricity cost, and bulk miner purchase and maintenance. Doing it yourself would be profitable only if you could build your own server system, keep everything running and cooled 24 hours a day, would have your own solar panels, and so on and so on. For me, Genesis is fantastic, and I currently mine quite some Dash. Finally, like above, you could choose to reinvest your daily payouts and get a new contract as soon as you can pay it with your daily rewards: the hashrate will stack, your daily earnings will stack, and you will enter a steep curve going up in passive income. Just be aware that mining difficulty slowly goes up as well, so keep an eye out every couple of weeks if reinvesting is worth it. Same here for acquaintances: share your code, and both of you get 3% back: the investor in mining cost discount, you in bonus hashrate.

Highest current growth curve Ethereum mining: multiply by appr. 4 in 730 days.

3. Steem Power

Hahaha, a short one. Most of you do this I guess, but I will just show you the rewards: I currently have 2,355 Steem Power, which nets me 0,125 Steem Power a day. It’s the slowest form of passive income, but then again, you keep in semi-full control of your own funds as well, as you can just withdraw Steem Power whenever you wish and get it back weekly over 13 payments. That’s still rather slow, but it requires a much lower investment as well.

Current growth curve: multiply by 1.0194 in 360 days.

That’s it. For questions, comment. I read, comment on and upvote all messages. If you found this article valuable, give me an upvote. If you consider using BitConnect or Genesis, you can help me by using my referral link. If I like you particularly much, I might give you half of that referral back straight away. :)

Do not work for a boss much longer. Do not be a slave. Get passive income. Today.

My BitConnect affiliate: https://bitconnect.co/?ref=EricWoelk
Genesis Mining discount: GUqewE

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