Equ1l1br1um's Mental Game Series : #1 Mental Game & The Cryptocurrency Game


Mental Game basics and why it also applies to the crypto space

     Welcome to my new Mental Game Series, in which I will write about mental skills that can help you not only in other aspects of your life (health, financial wise, creativity, anxiety, depression...), but also in the cryptocurrency game.

     We know that 90 percent of the performance in professional sports and video games is mental. If you are not in the right state of mind, you can't train or perform well, no matter how talented you are. Principles such as positive thinking, imagery and goal setting can be applied not only in professional sports, but also in all aspects of our life and in the cryptocurrency game.

First advice, don't let emotions persuade you into buying shitcoins :


You never know what you are capable of doing, until you start pushing yourself

No matter what you do , you need all these mental skills to succeed :

  • Motivation
  • Goals and Commitment
  • Mental Imagery
  • Concentration
  • Dealing Effectively with Emotions
  • Dealing Effectively with Anxiety
  • Self-Talk
  • People Skills
  • Attitude

I know, it looks tough, you are probably asking yourself now : "WHAT AM I GONNA DO?" Bitconnect rant.
Let me tell you a little secret : you better start, because your friends won't help you, your family won't help you and be 100% sure that your government doesn't give a fuck about your dream :


You and only you are reponsible for your life and how you manage it. And keep this in mind :

Impossible is nothing.jpg


See you soon in the next article of the Mental Game Series, where we will start working together on our mental game by categories. I lack some mental skill also and want to improve more on the others, so I hope I will meet people that are on the same improvement mission as I am.

If you want to check my Wake Up Time Series which are more like a "red pill", they will be marked with a blue border on the thumbnail and you can find the first article here . I will also start a Cryptocurrency Series where I will talk about projects, speculative trading, trends in the crypto space and much more. For this series, the border for the thumbnail will be in gold color.

If you want to be notified when I post an article, in case you miss it in your feed, please follow me here :

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  • References :

Muhammad Ali (1942-2016) : Interesting speech

Crypto HUB : Russian youtube video parody


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