“DataBlockChain” Introducing Value to the Data Industry

Information flow is vital to the successful running of a business, as it forms its core. Data analysis has become of great importance, as proper understanding of data and its flow in an organization is paramount for good decision making. Inadequate information flow in a business inhibits workflow. A business cannot exist without people, therefore managing their data is critical to its success.

The key to success in business is identifying your niche, focusing on them and observing to know their needs, so as to develop products they need. Proper data management gives rise to better customer relationship, better marketing focus and many other perks needed to make business thrive. In order words a well-managed data entry, flow and usage fosters productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. Data should therefore be handled well to ensure its integrity.

Productive marketing cannot be properly conducted without a well-documented data analysis. Strategic planning and decision making also needs data analysis. Data is therefore the bedrock of any business, as data and information flow through its various functions on a daily basis.

The data management systems in place have been very cost ineffective and time consuming as it is mostly in fragments, this has consequently reduced the quality of data. SMBs were also unable to venture into the data industry because of the expenses involved. Lack of accountability and duplicates of data makes most information(s) processed inaccurate, thus making it very hard for usage. Research has shown that data going through so many channel before it gets to destination, results most times in incomplete or substandard information.

What is needed is a platform that’s transparent and accountable to its data providers and users. A completely integrated database that provides accurate and concise data when needed.

DataBlockChain.io was introduced to bring a radical transformation to the data industry. It sets to eliminate unnecessary middle men, and provide an accountable and transparent platform where all transactions made can be audited and monitored, promoting trust. Data providers benefit greatly, as prior to this, they were posed with various challenges. Big data(s) were not easily available to SMBs, but with the introduction of this integrated systems, big amount of data is now made accessible.

The data industry can now be readily ventured into. The platform uses smart indexing, to process and analyze data which produces accurate and complete information. Cost is greatly reduced, duplicates eliminated, large amount of accurate data can now be acquired and most importantly, less time is spent.

The perks of using the platform are numerous, besides accessibility and accountability. Users who hold the DBCCoin can use it for transactional purposes. Privacy of the data is preserved. The data provided by the platform can be used in various fields, especially but not limited to marketing, customer relationship management and very many others, as flourishing in those fields can foster growth. The benefits to small and medium businesses cannot be overstated. The barrier entry into the data industry has been reduced, making data that was previously accessible to just large businesses, available to SMBs also.

The importance of data cannot be over emphasized, as it forms the backbone of businesses. Therefore, to be productive and grow, access to quality data is critical.

Useful links
Website: https://www.datablockchain.io/
White paper: https://www.datablockchain.io/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/dbcio , https://t.me/dbcio_bounty

Author: Goodness

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