Bitcoin stolen at gunpoint!

We all are aware of that hackers trying to steal our cryptocurrencies if they see any chance or bug in a system.


But in a first for the UK, on Monday four armed men broke into the home of a cryptocurrency trader in the sleepy village of Moulsford (Oxfordshire) and forced him at gunpoint to transfer Bitcoin to them, as published by The Guardian earlier this week.

According to a followup article by the Daily Mail, the man’s wife was tied up and the couple’s baby put outside in a pram.

Allthough immediatly after the crime was reported, a police helicopter was ordered, the suspects remain at large.

“These are criminals who have likely caught on to the current popularity of Bitcoin. But depending on how much they have, these coins are like being in possession of a rare painting. Trying to exchange large amounts for normal money without alerting suspicion will be very difficult.” Guy Shone, CEO of Explain The Market explained.


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