Blockchain-based governance

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Imagine a world where you get paid no matter what you’re doing. Imagine there are also no taxes. Now picture what it would be like if there were no borders that divide countries. That is quite the Pandora’s box to open, but at least some of those aspects are things that we as a society are quietly moving toward. Many of us are programmed to think that none of these scenarios could possibly end well. However there are visionaries the world over that see the vast potential of this new society.

What is governance? A large feature of any government has to do with record-keeping. Who is who, what property do they own, who are they married to, what is their annual income, and so forth. All of this recording and storing of information tends to be bogged down by old systems, human error, and said human salaries. It’s the perfect task for the blockchain – a universal, unalterable ledger. Blockchain applications can be easily developed and continuously upgraded to perform many of the systems of government at a tiny fraction of the cost of modern governance. Imagine your annual taxes decreasing and the ability to register your new car from your phone – no DMV line!

Now imagine being able to share resources across borders without tax, unrelated documents, or any middle man whatsoever. With blockchain technology, the issue of trust is generally taken out of the equation. Smart contracts for example can work on the idea of trustlessness, where neither party needs to know anything about the other yet they are both easily accountable to each other. This technology is very much in its early stages, yet there is a clear path of where things are headed. Much more updated information can be found online regarding these subjects.

But before you go surfing off to some other rabbit-hole, I’d like to introduce an organization I’ve found that is embracing this technology and using it to make the world a more equal, sustainable, and thriving place to be. It is called Earth Nation, and it is what you might call a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). They have managed to network a number of communities and several different continents, create at least a couple of their own currencies, and offer both personal and organizational loan programs to encourage prosperity amongst anyone who chooses get involved on a similar level. Furthermore, Earth Nation teaches other organizations how to become decentralized themselves.

All this imagining becomes a lot easier to swallow when you can see it already in action. Due to the nature of blockchain technology, it’s easy to see how borders become obsolete over time. When borders become obsolete, so do militaries. And when militaries become obsolete, so does the remainder of taxation. As for being paid no matter what you are doing – that’s called universal basic income. This is one of Earth Nation’s cornerstone philosophies. If you haven’t heard of it already or have yet to understand how such a thing could possibly work, then that is another thing well worth researching. Or if you’d just like to get started, head to Earth Nation now

For more info on Earth Nation’s most promising cryptocurrency, and said to be the lowest-risk and highest-return investment ever, as well as the best ICO of 2018, check out EarthCycle at:

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