JSECoin Review - Web Browser and CPU Mining for All

JSECoin is a new blockchain project that is very interesting. It is marketed as a JavaScript embedded cryptocurrency. One of the main features is that it is mineable from a web browser or phone. This allows it to be mined by everyone not just server farms. It also has a less negative effect on the environment than other proof of work coins.

JSECoin has a functioning internal ad-exchange where users can post advertisements on JSECoin-enabled websites and get clicks. Webmasters or people with websites can enable JSECoin ads and gain additional revenue, or allow browser mining to earn from their viewers.

Take a look at the JSECOIN Platform website which is the main place for users to use and earn JSECoin. Users can send tokens to and from other JSECoin users straight from the platform, or send them over the ethereum network.

I'm sure I'll be making a JSECoin review video in the future, so make sure to follow me here on Steemit I post daily anyways. @dropthatcode

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