Diamond coins (DMD) vs Bitcoins (BTC), which is and will be the safehaven and a bank

If Diamond coins (DMD) are such a good investment, why hasn't it taken off?

  • DMD is an ancient coin, it has been around for about 4 years. Short of half a decade is an extremely long time in the cryptoworld. In fact, the coin is so old, its history has been documented in a history book for sale at amazon.com.

  • The cryptomarket has changed alot around DMD coins. For a long time, the coin has been in the top 100 on coinmarketcap.com. Marketwaves have come and go and DMD has slowly been overtaken by -what we can call- chaff-coins that are less about solving real world problems. DMD holds place nr 128 as of the time of this writing. The goal is within the next half year to make it to top 100 and then up to top 50.

  • Diamond coins has profiled itself of being a bank cryptocurrency, one of the few, perhaps the only credible one on the market. "Be your own Bank" is one of DMDs mantras. Investing in DMD today will give you a 25% return on investment (down from last half years 50% because of coin rollout). In the cryptoworld, it solves a real world problem.

  • DMD being the first cryptobank, just works. It has been around and will be around for many years to come. But most people are not interested in banks, they want high houses and fancy cars. They dont want to park the money inside the bank when they can take the money out for a spin and get massive returns on investment. The cryptomarket is used to returns of 10x or 20x. If you would have just invested in DMD coins a year ago, you would have gotten around 7,5x (Bittrexprice 1/1-2017 was 20k satoshi, at the time of writing DMD price is 175k satoshi). Investors in general think that DMD is a good investment, its just that people think there are better investments for their money out there compared to DMD because of their personality structure. Since the cryptomarket (at the moment) is dominated by men, men are more prone to risk. Therefore, the returns of DMD are not good enough for the risktaking males out there.

  • But bitcoin is also a limited supply currency, why not just save coins in BTC? Because BTC is based on proof of work (POW). You need higher and higher processing power to calculate one block on the BTC blockchain. Its not enviromentally friendly. It has long transaction times. It has expensive transaction costs. BTC is not designed to be a storage of value. With most BTC "factories" are in China, China can nationalize these factories at the stroke of a pen.

  • The unregulated wild west environment that cryptocurrencies and cryptoinvestors operate make people impatient. They invest in something and want results tomorrow. Once the 10x, 20x investments have cooled down to more normal levels, DMD will be outperforming most coins out there because of stability, coin scarcity, and its high return of investment.

  • The wheels of history are slowly turning before our eyes. We are at the start of a payment- and safehaven-revolution. Blockchain techonology makes sure of that. Anyone invested in cryptocurrencies will be a winner. Anyone invested in storage of value currencies, like DMD will be a bigger winner once the markets have started to cool off.

  • DMD is designed to be a safehaven for storage of value. DMD has been, is and will continue to be a storage of value for your hard earned cash. DMD is equipped with, and will continue to develop new services to keep with its promise of being ultra scarce, ultra valuable and ultra secure.

  • The DMD community -yours truly included- are not the cash out kind of personalities, they are invested in this cryptocurrency for the long run.


"Patience and the intelligent investor walk hand in hand."

Bottom line

If you're interested in a good honest and stable community, stable growth, stable return on investment, now is as good time as ever time to get into DMD. The price hasn't been so good for months for altcoins in general, especially DMD. Does investing in your own bank and safehaven sound appealing? What do you think happens when all those risctaking men, start to remember where the cryptobank is, once the markets start cooling down? Take DMD for a ride, you will not be disappointed!

Needless to say, I'm heavily invested in DMD coins so please do your research before drawing your own conclusions.

If you're interested, DMD slack channel and ask for an invite and you will receive an invitation shortly.

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