LBRY is a Gamechanger

Have you heard of LBRY?

LBRY is a game changer. Here's why.

LBRY enables content creators (ie: anybody) to create content, make it available for free or for the price the creator nominates. The content owner gets the payment, no middle person. Best of all that middlemen and women can't censor your content and thereby erase your income stream. We have seen this sort of censorship happening more and more recently on youtube and even on patreon. So LBRY is your free speech app with no spider in the middle.

At present it is mainly centered around video, but images, text and probably any file type is able to be shared or traded on the platform/protocol. It is early days but the beta works well (albeit a little slowly sometimes) and there is a growing array of movies and other content to see. Night of the Living Dead is my personal favourite at the moment. If you had the app installed you could just click lbry://nightofthelivingdead and away you go. There is no advertising to be seen anywhere and it will only be so if it is embedded in content by the creator.

If you want to have a look and install the app from (feel free to use my referral code would be nice). You will have to ask for early access atm, until the beta is open. (Note: the windows version is right down the bottom of the Quickstart guide)

Bonus: you get credits in LBC (a cryptocurrency tradeable for real $ ) for hosting content and even viewing some content.

The windows app looks like this:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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