Graviex Affiliate Code

Quite a while back, one of the many things that I studied was to earn while HODL'ing bitcoins and other altcoins. If you want to check out the posts, they are Bitcoin REKT, Now What and REKT Bitcoin, HODL Investment Strategy.

Lately, I have had the privilege of having my own Graviex affiliate code airdropped.


Of course, as with any other Graviex user, I am elated as to having received my own affiliate code. But I would be even happier, having referred somebody to the program and, likewise, seeing them earn while HODL'ing.

Check out these posts, Bitcoin REKT, Now What and REKT Bitcoin, HODL Investment Strategy, and if they are useful to you, I would be honored if you become my affiliate.

Should you want to use my Graviex affiliate code, it is 05fdb0b413018a08d41bbdca. Thanks in advance for your generosity!

If you have used the above code, do let me know in the comments below.


[screencap(s) are mine]


If you happen to find this post helpful, send me an upvote, or resteem this post, or buy me beer by these wallets. Thanks in advance.

  • #Bitcoin (BTC) - 3Kyjg1Wj1PNGN3KhiRprxYvvQpdjC5kT3k
  • #Etherium (ETH) - 0x5F168F895C63ccC5FbEf921047bc2b63f6780c3F
  • #Aegeus (AEG) - AVjd8s5fC17bE49QpLjBnve29kFiEGeGG6

Thanks! (vote for them as witness!)


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