Cryptocurrency and Zimbabwe 2017 in Retrospect. 2018 Optimism in Cryptocurrency Space.

This is Crypto and Zim 2017 in retrospect. 2018 looks optimistic in the cryptocurrency space. We had so much going on last year in both cryptocurrency and Zimbabwe. Lots of changes in crypto from ICOs becoming more regulated to many many coins and tokens coming out. Lots of coins had a really good year. In Zim, we saw a change of political power, the people stood together in the nations largest ever peaceful march for change and a lot of optimism has spread around the country.

2018 looks to be an awesome year and we have some more 2018 optimism and excitement lined up. With the promise of more improvements to technology and a hopeful outlook towards a transparent and ingaging crypto-zim space and community.

I hope you guys are ready for 2018, it’s gonna be a good one.

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