Leaked information from the meeting with Vitalik - Taiwanese banking system will run on OmiseGo?!

Dear Investors,

Things in crypto world are happening so fast it is difficult to rely on one's knowledge only, that is why human relationships are crucial.

As you know I live on Polish/Russian border and just came back from dinner with my Russian friend who was present on Ethereum CEO Vitalik Russia meeting recently. He told me some interesting developments:

1, Vitalik told investors personally that he realizes that 90% of ICOs are scam coins and either people or authorities have to realise that. Vitalik criticizing their own platform ICOs is actually a sign of high intellect and sober-like assessment which definitely changed my opinion about Vitalik.

  1. On the conference Vitalik was explaining the details of Raiden and Plasma, the latter of which is a child blockchain. Without going into details, the scalability of the whole network will be close to billion transactions per second which is not only faster than NEO and all other blockchains. It is faster than VISA. I couldn't believe that, but the guy I talked to is really tech-wise so I am sure he knows what he talks about.

  2. On private conversation with investors my friend learned that Omise Go, together with Vitalik had a meeting with Taiwan Ministry of Finance. It is claimed that the whole country banking system will run on plasma and use OmiseGo. That is a very significant news, much more important than their previous `McDonald cooperation.

  3. Investors said that once Plasma is introduced, the best dapps will be moved than under the supervision from Ether Team. Omise Go will be the first app on this baby block chain.

These are the most important things that I learned. It gave me food for thought. Each one of us is responsible for our own decisions, so I provide and share some news. The decision must be yours, I will write what I am about to do right now.

Since in China we have to wait weeks if not months for regulations and legal adoption of blockchain the price of NEO will hoover around 25-30$ mark until RedPulse ICO distribution. I still believe in NEO but the information from today really sound logical, sane and came directly from the source. At the moment of writing this message I am about to move 80% of my NEO investment into OmiseGo. I plan to come back with my original stock investment after situation in China is stabilized. Right now on Bittrex I put the buying bid at 10.45$.

Now, I do not ask you to follow me. I still will provide all the news I have to the subscribers. Make smart decisions and absorb news like sponge.

Best regards

Follow me: https://twitter.com/dawid_rams

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