How can a meme be worth 600 Million Dollars? Dogecoin The living meme

My Thoughts About Dogecoin.

I have always wondered how something that was made 'for the lulz' ever managed to be worth 600 Million in the Crypto market, it's quite funny to me how something that was born from a meme can have a value of half a billion dollars. in this article, I will talk a bit about Dogecoin.

The Beginning

Dogecoin had it's origin in 2013 when Jackson Palmer bought the domain name He originally just wanted to upload some text and a big doge meme logo, however, A guy named Billy Markus contacted Palmer and asked him if he wanted to work together to create the crypto Dogecoin. They agreed and Billy went to work making dogecoin basing it on the already existing crypto at the time called Luckycoin.

How can Dogecoin be worth so much?

This is the question that's hard to answer, I believe Dogecoin gained a huge follower base because of the Meme and the way people heard about it. I personally heard about Doge before I heard about Bitcoin, and it seems like the community behind dogecoin have only gone upwards and continued the growth of the crypto. even the founder Jackson Palmer have multiple times said that he does not understand how this coin can be worth as much as it is in the market.

I have a lot of faith in the Dogecoin Core development team to keep the software stable and secure, but I think it says a lot about the state of the cryptocurrency space in general that a currency with a dog on it which hasn't released a software update in over 2 years has a $1B+ market cap.
-Jackson Palmer 2015.

What do you think?

I would really like to know everybody's thoughts about these type of coins. Dogecoin is, in my opinion, a meme that evolved into something real, at this point, there is no denying that dogecoin is worth something today, it's on almost every single exchange and it was one of the currencies that have introduced a lot of people to crypto.

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