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Desico - Decentralized Ecosystem for Security ICO

What is Desiko

DESICO is the first platform in the world to issue, buy, and sell token politics as a whole in accordance with the law. The ecosystem will include a global global capital market of $ 155 billion by introducing tokenmoney through blockchain.

The goal of DESICO is to create a gateway for retail and institutional investors to enter the VCdominated start room. At the same time, DESICO seeks to make global access, fair and inexpensive for a promising capital from anywhere in the world.

DESICO will benefit from ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) to create a larger ecosystem in the global capital market. DESICO will allow decentralization of pre-seed investments using unique blockchain technology capabilities and provide a legal way of purchasing tokens.

tokenisasi existing assets with income streams, or other hybrid token life. ICO is a growing class that has great potential to grow with the right market infrastructure. Currently, most are hybrids (some securities, some token utility), some utility tokens, and some are obviously securities.

The DESICO platform will facilitate the act of direct link tokens - digital asital in the initial effort, tokenisasi existing assets with income streams, or other hybrid tokens. DESICO will provide a complete infrastructure to access ICO, exchange financial token that governs and provides services under the e-money License.


DESICO currently employs at least seventeen developers and five advisors. Much of the development team has already worked together on, a peer-to-peer lending platform, and Draugas.It, Lithuania's most popular social media site.

DESICO is based in Lithuania, largely due to that country's relaxed laws regarding ICOs and blockchain tech companies, and a cornerstone of its business model is that it will be in full compliance with all of the European Union's financial regulations. However, the developers don't mention expansion to other markets, and it's not yet clear which countries' citizens will be served upon the platform's release.

DESICO has very little presence on social media, with fewer than a dozen followers on both its Twitter and Facebook pages, and its platform has been covered only by a few websites devoted to ICO information. However, the project is still early along in its roadmap at time of writing and it has not yet begun any marketing campaigns; the project will likely gain much more attention as its ICO approaches and its platform nears completion.DESICO's Team

DESICO currently employs at least seventeen developers and five advisors. Much of the development team has already worked together on, a peer-to-peer lending platform, and Draugas.It, Lithuania's most popular social media site.

DESICO is based in Lithuania, largely due to that country's relaxed laws regarding ICOs and blockchain tech companies, and a cornerstone of its business model is that it will be in full compliance with all of the European Union's financial regulations. However, the developers don't mention expansion to other markets, and it's not yet clear which countries' citizens will be served upon the platform's release.

DESICO has very little presence on social media, with fewer than a dozen followers on both its Twitter and Facebook pages, and its platform has been covered only by a few websites devoted to ICO information. However, the project is still early along in its roadmap at time of writing and it has not yet begun any marketing campaigns; the project will likely gain much more attention as its ICO approaches and its platform nears completion.

The main component of DESICO Ecosystem

  • Crowdfunding Platform
    DESICO will operate globally based on the EU platform that offers a completely customizable way for businesses to issue ICOS, and to tokens buyers to acquire and trade these tokens.
  • Exchange built-in
    DESICO will operate a fully regulated exchange. This will provide a security token with liquidity immediately after successfully completing ICO on the DESICO platform.
  • E-Money account
    DESICO users will be able to manage ownership of crypto and fiat on the platform. They will also have the opportunity to exchange their cryptocurrency into the fiat currency in exchange for DESICO.
  • Full Legal Compliance
    DESICO will be fully operational in current securities and law crowdfunding Republic of Lithuania, European Union and member countries of the European Zone.
  • Society
    The DESICO community will consist of publishers of security tokens, investors and crypto fans, and ICO related service providers.

Application of blockchain

DESlCO will operate on blockchain ethereum to facilitate the problem of lcos. Blockchain technology will enable DESlCO to take a big leap forward in implementing the tokenisasi investment assets. Tokenasi securities will bring benefits to global financial markets, in particular, the removal of moral and central gatekeeper. As with DESPERCO decentralization and disintermediation, it will not be the necessary action for the DESLCO platform.

The use of blockchain-based smart contracts will allow decentralization and automation of DESlCO platforms and services. Thanks to smart contracts, various services and members of the DESlCO community will be able to offer their services to the DESLCO ecosystem and communicate directly with businesses launching their LCO. Creating a DESl utility token will provide the ecosystem with additional and will increase the value with more businesses joining DESlCO. In addition, the implementation it creates is a system known as decentralized. This system will benefit each service provider and community member in the ecosystem. Inaccurate track record based on transaction data. Thanks to the smart contract,

DESlCO will build an efficient and transparent platform, which stores transaction-level data on blockchain. DESlCO ... Sidechain will enable DESlCO to scale its operations and network congestion requirements, as well as the cost of using blockchain technology. Simultaneously, sidechain will also maintain the balance of the DESLCO ethernet blockchain core. Finally, there will be some transactions, providing privacy and additional privacy to the DESlCO community, as well as the independence of the DESlCO ecosystem in the event of malfunctioning or stagnating of the DESlCO core blockchain platform.

Decentralization of the ecosystem of DESICO and its services

As mentioned in the process described above, DESICO will involve external experts who will provide various services within the DESICO ecosystem. While most services will initially be provided by DESICO, the business plan is for DESICO to become a market, with an increasing number of quality external service providers to be auctioned to ensure platform scalability, accessibility, and integrity.

Token Info

Token : DESI
Type : token (ERC20)
Price : 1 DESI = 0.08 USD
Soft cap : 3,500,000 USD
Hard cap : 32,000,000 USD
Total supply : 804,000,000
Supply for sale : 410.000.000

As many as 804 million DESICO tokens will be made, 410 of which will be sold to the public. The remaining 49% of tokens will be shared between the development team, the reserve fund, and the bounty program.

  • Distribution token
    DESICO will sell 51% of the total token supply during the crowdsale event. DESICO tokens that will not be put into money. The token allocated to the team will have a 12 month lock period.
  • Use of funds
    Funds collected during the crowdsale event will be used solely for the development and promotion of DESICO. The initial DESICO budget, assuming that the project will reach its hardcap.

DESICO will use 32% of the funds raised for platform development, including the development of ICO launch infrastructure, platform interface, exchange operations, etc. DESICO will strive to promote its platform globally, so 20% of the funds will be allocated for marketing.



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Author : Daniwahyu007
Bitcointalk Profil Link:;u=1074926

ETH : 0x93e4b3AF42FBb2c60070a6AaF8d15377B946d48C

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