x8 in 30 days - Red Pulse (RPX) on NEO

This isn't an extensive write up on RPX. I'm sure you can do your own homework on it. You can check out @heavey who does video reviews and extensive write ups on them. Here's his one on Red Pulse.


What I wanna do write about though is some things I spotted out and base on some hunches and heavy risk taking, I got in with everything I had on this one. I'm still new in the crypto world of trading and exchanges so it wasn't a huge sum but still it was almost all I had in cryptocurrency at that time.

  1. I noticed people around Malaysia, where I live, were starting to get into Bitcoin by the load! I don't even think they know anything about blockchain but just because Bitcoin was skyrocketing in November, so many jumped on the bandwagon of getting rich quick. It felt like everyone was buying Bitcoin for the "brand" appeal. Not a bad thing though. I myself and I believe almost everyone else got into cryptocurrency with Bitcoin first but I actually purposed to study blockchain at the time of going in not just because of money factor but how much blockchain could change our lives for the better. How much of this is accurate, only God knows 😃

  2. For this reason, brand power, RPX although personally, I'm not that invested into it emotionally as I am with other blockchain projects, felt like it would go up because of the sentiment of it's founding. It is the first blockchain project to run it's ICO (Initial Coin Offering) on the NEO protocol. So being the first, I felt like if new people came in looking for alt coins, they'd pick RPX for this reason, sentimental value of being the first!

  3. It was also cheap running around 0.04-0.05 USD when I got in but went down to 0.03 where I made it a point to be patient and already planned at what price I was gonna sell it at which was 1 USD. I didn't mind waiting, after all it's better than leaving your cash dormant in a FD.

So the story...... around the time where it was at 0.03, I've already been talking to a friend on blockchain, cryptocurrency, trading, ICOs and the sort. I recommended him Red Pulse on these 3 reasons alone and I myself know that you'd wanna check the usual stuff you check whenever you invest or buy into a project/cryptocurrency..... the market cap, the number of tokens distributed to the public, the whitepaper... bla bla bla.... So I told him that these are the stuff to read but as for this particular one, I'm recommending and myself, going in, base on a hunch. This was around the end of November.

Mid December where almost everything saw red in the crypto market, RPX was one of those along with more well-known giant slayers like XVG, that was seeing GREEEEEN!

It kept going up, had a little drop and today went back up from 0.17 to 0.26. At 10pm today I told him to sell it and he did which made him x8 of what he put in at 0.03! 😃

I'm ecstatic about this because someone listened to a hunch of mine and made x8. The crypto market is simply unpredictable to say the least. It isn't something we can learn to read and understand. Who knew Bitcoin was gonna skyrocket to almost 20k in December alone? NOBODY I'd say.


So I'm not here to brag but, it's good to be in a group of people that are risk takers. And the ultimate risk taker here was my friend. He didn't only just listen to some good ideas or suggestions but he actually went and did it!

I know this might be bad advise to follow someone hunch especially a beginner, but hey.... I bet my friend isn't complaining 😊

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