Cryptocurrency Questions On Quora Are All That Is Wrong With Crypto

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I don't know why this is, but there is a chunk (not sure how large, but its definitely significant) of the crypto community that are useless. Utterly useless. These individuals do not bother dong their own homework, they don't bother trying to gain the skills that will help them become successful investors, traders and enthusiasts.

Nowhere is this more pronounced then on the questions and answers site Quora.

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I'm not against asking people for help, or following certain influencers to understand why and how they make investment decisions. But Quora is just something else completely. Not only are there people begging to find a quick easy buck, but you have the answerer shilling their coin to these unsuspecting idiots.

Is crypto an easy way to make money?

  • In some ways yes.

If I put in no effort or energy will I make said money?


The amount of people that are getting ripped off in this space is unbelievable. People wonder why they are losing money. It's because they're willing to take bad advice, from people they don't know, just because they got the most likes on some answer. Making money isn't supposed to be easy, if it was then we'd probably have a lot less problems in this world.

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Now this isn't to say people give bad advice on here all the time. I mean the question and answer above are a little shimmer of light in this space.

However, most of the questions and answers look like this:
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Here is the greatest single piece of advice I could give anyone.


For example: I have never really been one for technical analysis. But I realised if I want to understand crypto-investing more then I should learn it. It's not easy, but it's not hard either. It takes a little bit of time, patience and passion. That's all. A very simple formula. Will I be successful right away? Probably not. But I know if I keep at it I will be. That's how you make money, that's how you enjoy your time in the crypto-verse.

If you're going to ask a question on Quora. It should be one that sparks real debate and brings new perspectives that you haven't considered before.


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