Why I'm investing in the Power Ledger ICO

Finally decided to make the leap to posting on steemit. The tipping point is the Power Ledger POWR token, which is closing in on its presale target: see https://tge.powerledger.io/

I wanted to share a couple of the reasons why I'm enthusiastic about this project. I am not trying to pump the coin; I think it’s an exciting project that could do a lot of good, and I want to see it get a flying start.

Here are a couple of quick reasons:
First, P2P electricity is one of the few genuine blockbuster use-cases for blockchain, IMO. It has tangible and in-demand advantages over more centralised ways of providing the services.

  • I don’t think you can say the same thing about a lot of other projects in the ‘distributed-this-decentralised-that’ craze.
  • The future of electricity is much more distributed. Once paired with a blockchain platform, it becomes a mutually reinforcing trend.
  • P2P electricity should really be part of anyone’s crypto portfolio. This is one of Ethereum’s few killer apps, but it really isn't represented in the top tier of cryptos yet.

Second, as an Australian-based startup they are in the box seat to leverage the distributed revolution

  • Australia already has 1.44 million rooftop solar PV systems. For a country with a population not much over 20 million, that’s a hell of a lot.
  • The Australian Energy Market Operator forecasts that by 2036 generation from rooftops will increase by 350 per cent. That doesn't take into account changes in government policy (for example, more aggressive climate targets to Australia's international commitments to reduce greenhouse emissions)
  • Australia’s a small market but definitely a pioneering one for decentralised energy. It will be a key proving ground for distributed cleantech.

I think this is a killer idea. Go to the website, read about the team, the prototype, and the projects if you haven’t already.
I think there’s a lot of promise in them being first to market with a working product.

I predict a slow start because a lot of crypto people aren’t following energy, and a lot of energy people aren’t interested in crypto.

Here is a longer post on Medium that makes a bullish case, with some very interesting charts:


If right, I think the presale valuation (finishing up now) is probably a bit conservative.

Interested in others thoughts.

Link here: https://tge.powerledger.io/

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