If you have been hiding under a rock or hibernating for the Crypto winter you would have missed my previous videos talking about the SEC’s escalation of action against crypto companies and more importantly crypto shills on social media. Floyd Mayweather and DJ Khaled were fined by the SEC and it sparked a lot of speculation from the crypto community over who would be next.

In my video ‘SEC targets Cryptocurrency influencers and Why most will get away with it!’ I laid out the case for why shills like Ian Balina, John McAfee and Suppoman would get away with it. Well, it looks like the SEC’s warning shot was heard loud and clear and the Crypto Shills are in full panic mode.

For Suppoman it looks like the recent events have had a massive impact on him. Is Suppoman losing the plot? Should he be wearing a tin foil hat? Or is the Illuminati and the evil George Soros tracking his every move waiting for the chance to destroy Suppo and the rest of Crypto’s super shills? Or is suppoman positioning himself as the Alex Jones of cryptocurrencies? To find out, let’s take a look.

In my latest video on Nano and the upcoming Nanoquake game Andrew Mitchell left a really great detailed message addressing a few technical points he wrote:

Thank you, Andrew, I like to get things right here so the conversation is always welcome.

So today, however, we are looking at Suppoman. Michael Suppo is one of the biggest Crypto YouTubers and has been making his money from shilling coins. He’s not only been paid to promote coins and ICO’s but he’s done so without informing his audience and then to make things worse some of those coins he’s only been revealing through paid for courses on Udemy.

If Suppo was a US citizen the recent news about the SEC going after Crypto influencers should have him worried. Promoting a security without declaring the nature of the promotion is a direct breach of US securities laws. I did, however, point out that Suppo isn’t subject to US laws and would therefore in all likelihood be okay.

The UK’s version of the SEC the Financial Conduct Authority hasn’t been making a lot of noise over the promotion of ICO’s by UK based personalities but if it did action could be brought against Suppo if he is found to have breached the financial promotion restrictions in Section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Even if he has thought it just doesn’t look like the FCA has the appetite for it.

I pretty much summed this up in that video but obviously Suppo didn’t get the memo or watch the video because he’s become what can only be described as paranoid and on the edge of some form of breakdown.

It all appeared to start back in October when the YouTuber and scam hunter Chico Crypto began exposing some highly questionable behaviour of Vechain and Binance employees. In the video, he called Suppoman out. Following this, Suppoman began a tirade of FUD against Chico Crypto even blocking any of his own followers who also followed Chico. Then, he began making threatening tweets against Chico and Elastos. Calling Chico a drug user and drunk. What can I say, he likes beer.

Not long after this spat between the two and another YouTuber ‘That Martini Guy’, put out some brutal but honest reviews of Suppo’s content. I’ve made jokes about Suppo in the past but I’ve let him off very easy with my critiques when compared to TMG’s videos. These videos got right under Suppo’s skin and following TMG’s video titled Suppoman must be stopped, Suppo’s channel was mass flagged as fraud and he was banned from live streaming.

That Martini Guy’s videos are entertaining and well researched so worth a look and a sub though I don’t quite know how I feel about his treatment of co-host hank.

Suppoman released several videos with each getting more bizarre. After being banned from live streaming he put out a video titled ‘Im being targeted.’ Then the day after the SEC charged Floyd Mayweather and DJ Khaled, he released a video titled ‘I messed up’ in the video he almost gets to an apology for all the shilling he has done over the years. In it, he claimed that the Bitcoin he was offered by Barbara at Indahash to promote the ICO was in fact just banter and a bit of a laugh…

He said in the video that sometimes he would have so many offers that he would ask them for ten bitcoins or a hundred ether as a joke to see how serious they were and to cut some off. He ended that video pointing out that the institutions and banks were the enemies of the people and that we shouldn’t be infighting.

His last two videos have just gotten outlandish though. Suppo now claims he is the victim of a George Soros, Illuminati plot to silence him and to destroy crypto forever. George Soros is an old billionaire who sticks his fingers into too many pies. In all fairness the guy has too much influence, pumping millions into political parties, campaigns and activist groups. Many see his actions as being egalitarian and that he is a champion of social justice but in reality, he is in the business of making more money and has a history of manipulating currencies to make a profit.

The idea that George Soros or the Illuminati is trying to silence Suppoman, however, is ridiculous. There are powerful forces at play in the trading sector there’s no doubt about that but the reason that Suppoman is being silenced and ridiculed is because people are waking up to his dishonest tactics. When the market is moving up everyone thinks they are winning and of course someone like Suppo can sell themselves, their courses and their bags without anyone questioning it but when confidence in the market has eroded it’s easier to see someone like Suppos true colors. Now he sounds like Alex Jones but far less entertaining all he needs now is a tin foil hat.

I think at a time like this we need to show Suppoman some support, he’s going through some tough times and clearly, the paranoia has gotten to him. So if you can just head over to his latest video and I think it would really help him to comment on it letting him know about the crypto’s he shilled that got you rich this year, I think that would really cheer him up. I’ll wait just here.

It seems like the videos by TMG and the news about the SEC hunting down influencers was the final straw. Well done Martini Guy, you broke Suppo.

What do you guys think? Is Suppoman actually right? Is billionaire George Soros so threatened by him that he got his live streams banned? Is he losing the plot or is That Martini Guy actually an Illuminati agent? Let us know in the comments below. We really like to hear your thoughts on the stories we run so please get involved.

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Disclaimer: Cryptopig content is written by a team of blockchain passionate people. We are not registered as investment advisors. Don’t take the information in this post as investment advice and make sure you do your own research before investing.

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