Neo to the moon soon?? A brief history of Dime,

Its not too long ago when neo in its previous life was worth just a pocket change, those who at that time had a faith and the vision to see the solution it provides in the future have already made a fortune riding it on from below a dollar to the $58 peak that it saw after its re-branding to Neo in august. I personally know a person who with a mere investment of $500 into antshares in april has turned it to over $200,000. Now this can either be called pure luck or there is something more to this that people are not able to see. some say neo has had been hyped a lot , thus the exponential rise in its value and some call it the Ethereum of china and are hodling it to see a similar value in 2018. What to believe ? Why do we have to believe? the simplest of the gesture would be to just not invest , this helps in two ways , first being you don;t have to get involved with the sleepless nights and research , constantly checking out various youtubers who just keep telling you to hodl that shit to make a bearish rally sustain,second would be you are at calm at yourself as is there isn't anything riding that hurricane you wont loose anything ie you are in total control of yourself. But the question is will you be ?
it isn't coincidence or a trend that the word FOMO is so much in use in all the business articles whether it be a new startup of the old times(high profile investors based) or nowadays the ico guys. One thing is for sure that if neo goes down the drain you might be the happiest person in your mind , i repeat "Might be" , but if it really becomes what it is believed to be by its believers , trust me a person can sure loose his mind to some extent, sure the opportunities keep coming up in the crypto space but 90% of the times you wont be able to deduce it. you wont be able to deduce it even if it shows you proof of its mightiness. people are scared of neo now as it dropped to $20 and to $14 initially this sept , but why cant they see the fact that it has placed a peak at $58, neither your bitcoin nor your ethereum are like an entity who just keeps growing in value, in fact if you remember the energy graph of hydrogen atom even that has a peak and than a parabolic fall, but a fall means another opportunity for those who missed the bus, and here we are talking of a spaceship taking you to the moon soon.
EVERY THING HAS A REASON , why the drop in price??
China's ban on ico's .Neo is Chinese. people started dropping neo without understanding or researching what really did happen. CHINA has in past put regulatory laws or prohibitions constantly in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015,2016... each time saw a drop in the prices of bitcoin which resembles a crash, but wasn't. I call it opportunity for those who missed the bus, sorry again The Spaceship. each crash gives entry point to more investors like us the common people , and why would we reap the benefits ?it ain't because we are lucky but it is because we were the ones who believed in something right for once. Tell you to go to war with another nation , you all would be jumping on the couch getting ready to serve the nation in whatever capacity you can, ask you to put faith in another religion, hell no who asks something like that obviously your god is the best got out there nowhere. But no if a nation has banned ico's (which i shall tell you is a good thing as they have wiped all of the fake coins out of the market which serves no purpose and thus the crypto economy is more Pure now than ever before , howsoever much small be the before be). Remember that neo has been in development for past few years and it will provide the platform for future blockchain technologies, similar to the Internet which is a platform for all of our today's big bullies like facebook, google and amazon. how precious is internet now? it wasn't before , in the early 80s, 90s there again was this opportunity but again people wont like to believe what they cant understand as it may have some logic behind it, not like asking you to believe and worship something that nobody has seen or would ever see, that logic less this is believable or i think that is what we are used to be like its in our nature, the foolishness. Neo has been backed by the Govt of China, they do not use our facebook much they dont use our google much they like to build their own stuff and than use it unlike most of us,i wont comment on wheather its a good thing or bad but considering the largest population nation on the planet building something similar on the tone of Ethereum , i wont hesitate to put my trust on it and since this is science and technology the only place where the Daddy is always born after the son, neo is soon transitioning into Father to ethereum , they will be supporting a wide range of programming languages for coding decentralized apps like C++, java, go etc rather than learning an entire new coding language Solidity for ethereum blockchain. that in itself is a major advantage it is giving its people , so we can see more blockchain projects on neo soon and covering a wide range of solutions.
With all the fudd , the neo soon consolidated at around a $20 price which the buyers believe is what neo is worth atleast , they agree on that part. Do you realize you cant buy neo now at $20. the chinese ico ban nonsense is asleep now . the jp morgan ceo's nonsense comment of cryptos being in a bubble is asleep now , which i shall point out that they have had been saying that for past 8 years as the flourishing of cryptocurrency threatens their mere existence , the Banks and other big institutions.
that was the reason for the fall in the price of bitcoin from 4980 peak that we saw , but as now you know that how important it is to have a crash in these scenarios as not only it gives the investors an entry point fit for their pocket , it also deepens the trust once it gains back it momentum and crosses the previous peak to attain something even much higher.
Bitcoin has broke $4000 again
neo has risen back to mid 30s..
and with this trust we can surely see neo back to $50s in coming few weeks.
we are seeing the ico of redpulse, a neo based project closing in three weeks.this means what happened to ethereum prices might start soon with the prices of neo and may infact surpass the ethereum prices considering the available quantity of neo compared to eth.
Those already having Neo , i would suggest if you ain't that much in need of insta cash refrain from selling soon and just hodl that shiz. Those not having neo , you guys come in two categories one who knew about it and didnt get it and now thinks its too expensive , for you guys i would say crypto space is not for you guys and if it so is, that try getting yourself some Bitcoin .. wait whaaaat! , too expensive? now that indeed is what we can call expensive , expensive relative to what it was before ,try seeing relative to what it would be worth in future , the second who did'nt know about neo, i would suggest dont go for it just because you heard it or read it somewhere do your own research ,just yesterday it was worth a dime,so don't take too much time , hodl and th.jpgyou will be fine, did it just rhyme? o.O

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