RecordsKeeper : Secure your important data with RecordsKeeper using Blockchain Technology

Best wishes to all my dear friends Cryptocurrency that exists throughout the world. Hopefully we are in good condition, uplifting, good fortune, and in the protection of Almighty God. In this article I will continue to discuss beautiful projects around Blockchain technology that will include the Cryptocurrency we have been waiting for. We refer to the beautiful project


Information and science technology in the world is currently growing very rapidly. The development of this technology affects almost all aspects of human life, one of which is data storage. Storage in ancient times was only done in places that were considered safe. Data storage in ancient times was stored on stone inscribed, then developing data storage was carried out on paper, the longer the time was growing with the existence of computers and storage media that are now more efficient, effective, and sophisticated.

A bit is the smallest unit of data storage in a computer. Data storage on a computer based on bits contains one of two values, namely 0 and 1. Bit in a computer can represent numbers, letters, pictures, movies, sounds, documents, programs and so on. Computer storage units include terabytes, gigabytes, megabytes, bytes, and the smallest size is bits. Data storage on the server is widely used by individuals, groups and institutions or agencies that have several advantages that is, there is always availability of data even though there is an error in the network because there is a data backup system. The growing age, the storage of data on the server is inevitable and its usefulness its existence becomes important. Data storage on the server is demanded for provide data with increasing demand and data types the bigger and more diverse. Millions of servers and storage media countless processing all user requests without stopping at data storage on the server. Therefore, storing data on the server very much needed and expected to help the storage process and centralizing data and the availability of data continuously for distribution.

Now the breakthrough problem will be solved by a Project that uses the power of a safer, easier Blockchain system and will make many benefits for users in the World. The project is named RecordsKeeper.

About RecordsKeepers

 RecordsKeeper is an Open Public Mineable Blockchain for RecordKeeping & Data Security. It offers a full suite of structured and easily accessible record keeping for organizations and individuals. RecordsKeeper creates a platform for structured storage over the decentralized network for the ease of data access and security among peers. The RecordsKeeper capitalizes over the pros of the Blockchain network to create an ecosystem for secure transfer, authorization, integrity, and authenticity of data.

Why use RecordsKeeper ?

RecordsKeeper offers an out-of-the-box functionality for structured, decentralized key-value pair database storage. When a user uploads a file, a condensed record along with meta-information is signed and registered in the RecordsKeeper ledger. If the amount of data is significant, it can be pushed to the encrypted storage layer for later retrieval. If any alteration of the record occurs after it is uploaded, the hash of the record will be different, and its immutable traces will be reflected in the blockchain. A client can also use checksum with SHA256 hashing to ensure that the digest of the record hasn’t been altered.RecordsKeeper is an open platform with key-value storage. A user accessing the RecordsKeeper can create a key-value stream on top of the RecordsKeeper ledger which then ensures secure data storage. The user can also use encrypted storage with our public ledger to store an unlimited amount of data. This data can be shared with interested parties by sending a transaction. An open ecosystem to manage records reduces the need for establishing trust in 3rd party organizations. Moreover, it provides community-control and verification of the data shared on the RecordsKeeper ledger.


They mentioned something very special from their Project namely:

Setup Blockchain in your Infrastructure for better Data Security

RecordsKeeper’s blockchain can be setup in your local infrastructure or cloud which will give you below security feature locally:

  1. Data Immutability
  2. Data Integrity
  3. Data Authenticity
  4. Data Verifiability

How it work ?

RecordsKeeper makes it very easy to publish the immutable data objects of up to 8MB per transaction on RecordsKeeper Blockchain using XRK Tokens as a Gas (Just like Ether works as GAS/Tx fee in Ethereum Blockchain). There is no need to setup the whole system to create just one immutable object. RecordsKeeper is an open platform with key-value storage like MongoDB. A user accessing RecordsKeeper can create a key-value type of record on top of RecordsKeeper ledger which would act as secure data storage. Users can also use an encrypted storage with our public ledger to store unlimited amounts of data. This data can be shared with the interested parties by sending a transaction. An open ecosystem to manage records reduces the need for establishing trust on third party organizations. Moreover it provides a community control and verification over the data shared on RecordsKeeper ledger. 

  •  Launch RecordsKeeper’s Node
  •  Upload Data to RecordsKeeper Node
  •  Miner Confirms The Data Transactions
  • Retrieve and Verify Data


  •  Completely Open Source.
  •  No need to understand the underlying architecture to get the PoC done. Just focus on your use case & applications. 
  •  Get up & running within a day & get your PoC done faster than ever. 
  •  Easy to update & maintain with APIs & Libraries. 
  •  High security with mining or permissioned configurations .
  •  Easy to let anyone get read only access for data verification without involving you. 
  •  Easy to integrate with other businesses for external use if needed.

About Token Economy 

Through miners, RecordsKeeper Blockchain is adding 10 XRK every 15 seconds (average). These 10 XRKs are awarded to the miners for adding a new Block onto the Blockchain. There are also 300 million premined XRK tokens owned by the company. By the time of this writing there are approximately 302 million XRK in the RecordsKeeper Ecosystem (300 million Pre-mined and 2+ million mined by miners) and more XRKs are getting mined through RecordsKeeper Blockchain miners. 100,000,000 XRK to be distributed in private-sale (Phase 1) (unsold will be rolled over in public sale) 56,000,000 XRK to be distributed during the open presale and public sale. Click here to jump to the Token sale dates section.

ICO Details

  • Name : RecordsKeeper
  • Symbol : XRK
  • ICO Price :  1 XRK = 0.0002 ETH
  • Token Maks Supply :  300.000.000 XRK
  • Private Sale Start : May, 24, 2018 09 am UTC
  • Private Sale End : Sept, 06, 2018 09 am UTC
  • Public Sale Start :   Soon
  • Public Sale End : Unknown
  • Public Sale : 156.000.000 XRK  
  • Type : ERC20
  • Accept : ETH
  • Minimum investment :  50 ETH for Private Sale, 10 ETH for Whitelisted Presale & No Minimum for Public Sale.


Project Team


The conclusion of our RecordsKeeper project will be easier in storing our important data that will be linked to a more structured, secure Blockchain Technology system, authorization, integrity, and authenticity of data on data records.

Official Sources :








  Author : ourepts

 Bitcointalk Profile Link  :;u=379425 

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