NEO - It's now possible to earn compound interest!

I posted earlier in the week that I've recently joined to take advantage of the 50% trade fee payments to holders of the exchanges native currency KuCoin (KCS).

I've been making small amounts of various coins each day from the 50% share and have now invested further to hold just over 1200 KCS. Apart from working on calculating how much potential returns in total I can get, I've also realised there is fairly good compound interest rates to be had if you have not only KCS, but also NEO on the exchange.

KuCoin is paying GAS to NEO holders on a daily basis at the fair rate as can be calculated HERE on Article from NEO News Today with more details HERE

I've realised that I earn a little NEO from my 50% KCS share each day. I also earn GAS not only from the 50% KCS share benefit, but also from the NEO I have been awarded the day before.....

I'm going to send some additional NEO on the exchange (enough to make a decent amount of GAS each day), as it seems right that I can essentially grow my GAS earnings (asides from NEO growth) exponentially each day.

The minimum trade amount is much higher than my daily earnings, but I'm expecting that I should be able to cash in or exchange any currencies I don't want around every 6 weeks. As long as I focus on building high interest earning of NEO and GAS, I should hopefully be able to maximise my earnings by capitalising on any market highs in the coming weeks/months.

As you'll see at the bottom of this post, the amounts I'm building up are only small, but considering KCS isn't even listed on CoinMarketCap yet and has yet to receive even a small % of the volume I expect it will, I'm still continuing to review and build on my investment.

You can visit KuCoin to register or look around HERE

Further reading around the pros and cons are well articulated HERE also.

Thanks for reading and please leave your comments or questions below!

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