Nigeria and Cryptocurrency: A case for!

The advent of new discoveries or inventions are geared towards making life and our economies better. The previous disruptions that has taken place has made early adopters or disruptionistas famous and rich. While there are cons and pros of every technology or invention, we must recognize the underlining issue that technology is to solve.

The other day, I read how the Central Bank of Nigeria are issuing circulars about not supporting cryptocurrencies and saying they don't recognize cryptocurrencies as means of exchange. I began to imagine if the Nigeria government are still in the stone age or are they being hypnotized. When the telephony invention was made, and the opportunity it holds, we as a country rejected it based on our crude thinking then. Before we fully accept it and deployed it, other nations that buy in where already far ahead and that has made their economies richer and better. Rather than kick against an idea or invention, it would be better to do your own research about that invention and see how it can help better your economy. The underlining infrastructure of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, the "blockchain" has been tagged as the best invention so far; why? Because it uses, cut across all industries, which will or can help any industry be more effective and efficient in their service delivery.

While other nations are investing heavily on research into the blockchain technology, we are talking against what we can't stop. A popular saying of if you can't beat them join them, should be the approach here. We have mixed out from the rewards of many inventions already. Blockchain and cryptocurrency invention is here already, and even G7 nations who didn't support initially are beginning to legitimize and legalize it, we can't be left behind again.

We should know that the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are the future, which has already commenced. The earlier we tap in the better for us. It will give our businesses competitiveness against late adopters. Though I won't say there are not concerns with this inventions, but I wouldn't concern myself of the deficiencies rather I would want us to look at the possibilities it carries. We can't be relevant in the scheme of emerging economies if we continue to rebuff new innovations.

Being a leader in the African continent entails more than just population. Lets embrace change! Blockchain and cryptocurrencies will revolutionize our financial system, transport, education, government business, etc if will tap in now!

Written from Yenagoa, Nigeria by Daniel Afisi
Follow me on @cryptobilionaire

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