It's Aliiiiiive!


WoW! Has it been that long since I've used Steemit? Ever since the whole Bitconnect fiasco? It's been amazing, watching the crypto-space blossom into what its currently become. Even with all the scams and BLATANT manipulation, the early adopters STILL have their jobs to do...which is, KEEP PUSHIN'!

EXCITING news keeps hitting the wires on a daily basis. Our ears are perked up, waiting for the next piece of information that will supposedly spark the bullrun. And WHAT a bullrun it will be!! 420+ days and counting! The longest bear market in crypto currency history! Are YOU prepared for what happens next?

Get out your bugout bags, rigs and...TREZORS???! 😃 Because 2019-2020 is shaping up to be what alot of us have been anticipating for over a decade. Stay frosty!csgo-sticker-stay-frosty-canvas.jpg.webp

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