Masternode Profile - Trittium (TRTT)

For more on how to judge your own masternode coins, check out my other post - Finding the Perfect Masternode Coin.

The next coin we will discuss is Trittium Trittium (TRTT). As you know from my previous posts, I like coins that offer a unique platform or try to solve a specific problem. TRTT is developing a platform to issue collateralized loans to holders of the TRTT token. Surely, issuing loans has been done many different ways throughout the financial sector, but TRTT is doing it in a decentralized way.

A Decentralized loan platform means loans are less risky to give and much easier to get. From the perspective of the loan issuer, there is no longer the need to trust the borrower, rather you trust the BLOCKCHAIN that the collateral is secured by. From the perspective of the loan borrower, you no longer have to provide mountains of personal information just to get access to some cash.

I think the first set of users here will be commercial miners. As a miner myself, I dread having to sell crypto to pay for my mining (and living) expenses. Instead, I can take a loan against my mining rewards and still be exposed to the upside of the market. If the collateralized asset increases in value, then I pay off the loan in fiat (worth less than the asset) and make a small profit (minus interest). If the asset loses value, I can walk away from the loan and the issuer gets the collateral. Its essentially a modified futures contract where the issuer takes a long position on the collateralized asset and the borrower takes a short position.

Also, the tax implications could be huge too. You can get access to the proceeds of your mining rewards without SELLING them. Therefore, you can secure a loan for just north of a year to qualify for short-term cap gains rates.

Is it Just Another Masternode (JAM)?

Surprisingly, TRTT is on the JAM list, but its hard to say why. Perhaps due to the infancy of the project. I think once the developers come out with a usable beta, it will be taken of the list.

Development Community

Hard to judge as its only been about 1.5 months since the launch of the coin. So far, the main developers have done a good job of putting out some alpha versions of the platform, web wallet, and android wallet releases. There are a lot of announcements from the core team focused on marketing and getting the coin out there. This is a double-edged sword. On one hand, you want the developers, well... developing. But they need resources and the marketing that they do helps prop up the price of the coin.

Reward Structure

Currently, for a 50,000 TRTT masternode, you receive ~1080 TRTT daily. That is about a 600-800% ROI - right at the top of the sweet spot that I like to consider for my masternodes. At block 100K, the rewards will decrease by about 22%.

Exchange Volume / Listings

So far, only listed on Crypto-Bridge. Lots of chatter by the core team to get listed on other exchanges. Average daily volume is $50-70K USD, plenty to buy a Masternode without moving the price that much.

Should you get this Masternode?

Maybe? This one is for the risk takers. The daily income is great (about $100/day), but with no real platform to show for yet and an untested dev team, there is much to fear here too. If you need help setting up this node, contact me directly or check out my service pages below.

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