FCoin - controversial profit sharing cryptocurrency exchange


Fcoin is one more profit sharing cryptocurrency exchange in crypto space. There is so many exchanges at moment with profit sharing and its own tokens but Fcoin succeed to take attention of crypto space and gain many users.

Founder of Fcoin is Zhang Jian. He was former Huobi CTO and he have experience with crypto exchanges. He has discovered brilliant business model dough many people from crypto world say that this is SCAM model and pyramid scheme...

Basically FCoin's current enormous volume is because of their token FT transaction fee mining. Simply explained, more trades you make with FT, you will be more rewarded. This last until all FT tokens are distributed.

There is 10 Billion FT and they are distributed like this:

In summary, 51% of the FTs (which will be referred to as the “community reward” portion) will be distributed to the users via “Trans-Fee Mining” mechanism. The remaining 49% (which will be referred to as the “previously issued” portion) are being held by institutional funds, FCoin Team, FCoin partners and private investors.

FireShot Capture 4 - FCoin Token – FCoin_ - https___support.fcoin.com_hc_en-us_.png

Many people calling this SCAM and they think that volume will completely vanish when Trans-Fee Mining is over. This volume is coming from bots but all big crypto exchanges have bots and I don't see that they are doing anything different than everybody else. Bots make spread between buy and sell to be low and exchange becomes functional. I have COSS tokens but I don't trade at COSS because they don't have bots and spread between buy and sell is too high and it is not usable. COSS plans also to include bots in trading to improve platform.

FCoin is paying 80% of earnings to FT holders! Not any profit sharing exchange can match that! It is not just earnings from fees, they share EVERYTHING that platform is earning.

FCoin website is very transparent and if you are interested in more details you can visit it on this link: https://fcoin.com/

I can't say that FCoin IS or IS NOT SCAM. You HAVE to do your own research because you will invest your own money. I will invest my money into FCoin because I like many things regarding it but not more than I can afford to loose.


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