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In mirror of the bubble of the bitcoin // opinion

Source of image of pixabay

Greetings partners of steemit, and other users that university teacher and user of steemit do life in her, for this occasion as economist, I have noticed the market of cryptocoins he suffered an important fall led by Bitcoin, and the cryptoassets anchored to them, suffered an important fall, demonstrating for his liquidate monetary as criptactivo circulating it is not stable. Given birth happiness that bitUSD came to an oscillation between 1 and 0,9 dollars, which it causes, which other one you cryptocoin be fond of if they are of less volatile, but this effect is for the internal market of this one where this one circulates, which it favors as advantage, so that they are not anchored to the bitcoin, promoting his place, is necessary to think, that this type of cryptoassets mostly has the figure of support reservations of assets as the dollar of a centralized way, which they influence his price.

This effect when a cryptocurrency or cryptoassets, it reaches his maximum peak is a volatile nature on the markets it is known in economy, like a speculative bubble, creating a speculative tendency in the buyers, achieving one on monetary offer, shooting his price, up to the point of making her more reliable, it is already very inevitable to control great par economy what it does is to adopt her of way it continues acceptance of countries and financial institutions, which is necessary to realize well is, that it depends on the chain of blocks or blockchain, as a proper nature.

On the other hand we have the following approach from the point of view, John Maynard Keynes published in 1936 his work general theory of the employment, the interest and the money, in which he proposes the economic theory known as the keynesianismo, to apply itself in economy with crisis, but the mirror of all this is also where I consider, that the Bitcoin takes a tendency of a massive adoption as a store of value, but with his bases of criptografía, proper of his nature for which was created, up to the point that the technology moldo to them, to think his diverse applications, since the Bitcoin is not products of any government or of state, only it has his functional figure of interactions, for to evolve his protocol. With regard to the egulaciones, in very much countries he looks for the way of establishing politics to be able to centralize it and to control it dentros of his economy, but the fact that the money in the figure of digital cash is impossible to rake, which ñe is difficult to look for a mechanism on his flow of value on this one, when this one circulates, only it is possible to take measurement by means of regulations in the operations of telecommunications, in Internet traffic, but just let's hope that alcanse his minimal peak, so that it generates his flow of value again, because already certain regulative ocaciones these cryptoassets, his value was lowering a moment, but was seizing impulse, also on the market of critomonedas, lowers his reference of value, but exinte other critomonedas his value is consolidated as the case of the steem, his effect with the descent of Bitcoin, down for the market where this one circulates, but a relative decrease, but mantien in a reliable level, for his natives popias in his chains of block, in such a way that his solides supports inside his users, which can create a tendency of increasing his flow of value.

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