

On an overcast day, movement in our house is nil. Snowball (one of three of the cats) follows the path of the sun throughout the day soaking up what energy she can. It is interesting watching 3 cats vying for the best rays from the sun.

Likewise, people seem to be energized by the abundance of sunshine. People living in areas with less sunshine often suffer from a higher incidence of depression. Maybe the cats have the right answers.

We don’t have TV programming. Consequently, we subscribe to Netflix and watch a variety of shows. We often watch crime shows and there is one common thread among investigators: “Follow the Money”.


Just as my 3 cats follow the sun on a daily basis to keep themselves energized, we as people find a level of energy in our businesses when we FOLLOW THE MONEY. As a business owner, you have advantages where you can create your own energy. As you grow your business, production is the summation of the energy you create.

In this World of CRYPTOCURRENCY, you as a business owner have the ability to be cryptocreative. Years ago, someone would be paid Royalties for the works they create and published in a book. Then the Internet provided free content. But is content ever free?

I use the word cryptocreative (someday this will be recognized as a word) as a connection between being creative and being compensated thru the crypto space. In other words, the creation of CRYPTOCURRENCY.

Although books are still written and authors are still paid for their work, there is a new compensation occurring on the Internet. People have been producing content for years and putting it out there for free. By some means, this content has value and more of the producers are being compensated for their work. There isn’t a publisher writing checks for much of this work.

The compensation is coming from each other (or peer to peer). Ten years ago, this was unheard of. I could compensate someone for something they produced by a simple vote. When they win votes or earn points, these can convert to a number of CRYPTOCURRENCIES. And this (a store of value) can be spent.

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