BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, NEO = sure bets? OMG & QTUM = worth it? CVC destined to soar, probably!

First and foremost, please take note that I am not a financial advisor, nor have I applied any scientific methods to my claims. I am special ed, specifically ADHD, GAD, & OCD; and find that these unique qualities give me the ability to see things clearly through the haze of BS which surrounds most crypto currencies.

BTC & ETH are both at the top of my coin selection. BTC has only grown in value since the split into BCH. There is rumor that the Segwit2x event in November, 2017 will break BTC, but I doubt it. If anything, it should help it. I can see BTC losing a little in value, due to it being a little over valued; but in the long run it will remain strong. Just simply holding BTC in my wallet has paid off. If you want a safe bet, simply purchase some BTC and place it within your wallet, now let it sit. If your a tad bit more adventurous try AMBIS, it’s a HYIP fund, based in Delaware; it’s working for me.

ETH is a boss as well, but very different than BTC. ETH has several ‘irons in the fire’ and has a good chance of being the next Bitcoin (in terms of value). Perhaps they are the “Google” of coin, since they have multiple paths and all seem destined to succeed. Tried & true, it has recovered since the last ‘adjustment’ and is healthy and strong. Consider this, a diamond is an original, strong and beautiful, virtually indestructible; but now days they have the cubic zirconium aka the fake diamond. However, the only thing fake about it, is its origins; pound for pound the cubic zirconium matches the diamond, and in some cases it out performs the diamond. BTC is the diamond, ETH is the cubic zirconium. Probably the most important coin out there, very bullish. I’m sitting on mine.

LTC aka “Spawn of Bitcoin” has made quite a rebound. It keeps on going up and I see nothing to prevent it. Whereas ETH may be the next Bitcoin as far as value is concerned, LTC may easily overcome both with volume. Indeed, if the November 2017 SegwitX2 event slows BTC down, watch LTC rapidly take it’s place. Remember, ETH & BTC do different things, and both are relatively at the top of their respective food chain. LTC might be great for working the market, as it has various highs & lows; or just sit on it. It’s bullish and a great investment. I am sitting on mine.

NEO aka “The Chinese Etheruem” is on fire; got money to burn, throw it in NEO. It only has about half the trade volume of ETH, and even less of BTC; but that may change soon. It’s becoming the coin of choice in China, which will spread across the globe eventually. Its current run is unicornish, in that it is moving fast and high, inevitably destined for an adjustment; but that may be softened if more volume is attained. Sheer volume alone may propel NEO to BTC like usage, and they have a great wallet “NEON” which worked like a charm on an Ubuntu box. My call on NEO is two fold, first, this seems like an ideal coin to work the market with, secondly, this coin seems ideal for purchasing then sitting on for a while. Either way NEO delivers. I do not own any NEO yet, but am planning on getting some in the near future.

STEEM, probably the safest coin out there. The STEEM network is fabulous and I’m proud to be a part of it. STEEM coin is valuable in that it holds its value well. Additionally, you can purchase STEEM and use your STEEM account for the wallet. And don’t forget about STEEM POWER, you can deposit into this like a savings account. Since retrieving it requires a drawn out process, it is reasonably hacker safe. STEEM is a strong coin and an active coin; STEEM may never be as large as the aforementioned coins, but it will probably outlast them. I keep my STEEM in my Steem account, there I know it’s safe.

OMG & QTUM, I’ve included them both, because I think they are similar. Sure they are going up in value, but for how long. These coins support an idea, rather than a working product. Thus the inflated price is based upon a fantastic idea, not an actual value. See, BTC, LTC, & NEO actually have a working value; they fulfill a need and get the job done. STEEM & ETH, also have a product which works, so their value is in being a working tool. But OMG & QTUM are great ideas which actually aren’t doing much; oh they may, heck they may become the greatest thing ever, but they're not that now and are over priced. OMG & QTUM are something to experiment with, perhaps spend the beer/coffee money on; but buyer beware, when coins fall, they usually do it fast. I see them as unicorns which are eventually going to run off a cliff.

XRP aka Ripple; this asset is rock solid. It fluctuated during the last adjustment period, but so did everyone else. More importantly, it found a safe spot and has stayed there. I purchased XRP at .04, .17, sold both at .35; bought back in at .16. Needless to say, I am a Ripple believer. Volume has a different meaning when used with XRP; BTC volume is mostly consumer purchases, whereas XRP volume is mostly client usage. XRP is here to stay and will probably continue to climb, a little bit at a time, like an asset should. Frankly, I think XRP is a bargain at .18, if XRP was a stock, it would be at least $20. Thus I can see it continue to rise, but bullishly. I’m sitting on mine.

CVC aka CIVIC is my underdog pick for the day, lol. This coin has a product which is already in use, in fact I have it installed. How CVC can be priced at roughly .58 is a mystery to me. They have a working product and yet are valued lower than coins which just have a good idea. CVC is poised to double, triple or even quadruple in the next few months. XRP was at .04 when I purchased it, then 6 months later at .35 when I sold it. CVC has the same potential. I can see it shooting up to 4 or 5 dollars a coin, in a matter of months. I don’t own any CVC at this time, but I do plan on purchasing some soon.

I have been asked about Cloud Mining & Masternodes; both of which I DON”T recommend. HYIP’s are enticing, but more fail than succeed. BitcoinsBrain stole $1000 from me, and there is nothing I can do about it. FexFund collapsed a day after I withdrew; shocking to say the least. I’m giving AMBIS a try, but not with too much money. I’m fond that they are registered in Delaware; we’ll see if they remain steadfast and true.

WCX is still giving out free coin; this is different than a faucet; this is real coin which could easily go up in value.

Also, please take note; the SEC is about to get serious about crypto currencies; this is going to shake the market. Why? Because over 90% of crypto coins are way overvalued, amazingly so. In order for the big boys to really fit into commerce legitimately, they are going to need to shake off the valueless coins. This isn’t some wild speculation, this is based on the fact that most coins have very little value.

Check it out for your self; go to Coin Market Cap or a site like it. Pick any coin in the top 100, check its Volume in the past 24 hours, now check its Volume in the past month; likewise, check out the price chart. I’ve heard that about 60% of the Volume is from mining or releases; it won’t take long for you to see that things aren’t kosher.

I found one coin, CHAO which ranked #504, with only $622. worth of volume yesterday, but with an asking price of about $171. How can a coin that less than four were spent in a day, be worth $171? Actually, there are a handful of reasons it could be at that price, but all those reasons are flawed. This coin is probably going to fall hard during an adjustment. Now in all fairness, this coin may be worth it, I don’t think so, but it might be. Regardless, why mess around with the uncertainty of these types of coins, when you can invest in BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, NEO with a absolute degree of certainty that you will do well.

Now smart people can figure all this out, they understand the lows and highs, and the impact of other currencies, etc. But us special ed folk can’t see it that way. What I do see is that BTC & ETH are almost indestructible, and that XRP, LTC, & NEO are pretty solid bets.

If your smart enough to play the market, then take some lowly coin and make millions off of it; but if your like me, your probably better off with something tried and true, i.e. the coins I have suggested above.

To recap: your safest bet is to load up on STEEM and/or STEEM POWER; hands down the safest path to take. The sure bet is to load up on BTC, ETH, or LTC; those three are almost destined to go up in value. The reasonably safe but still a little risky, is to purchase NEO or CVC; both could skyrocket or just lay there; but neither is poised to just crash and loose all your money.

Stay away from cloud mining and/or masternodes; those are for players and if your reading this, more than likely your not a player (neither am I). Consider having multiple investments, say 1/3 in BTC, 1/3 in ETH, and 1/3 in CVC; this way, if one fails, the other two are safe. I had over $1000 in BitcoinsBrain and lost it all, leaving me with just $20 of XRP to rebuild with, because I put all my eggs in one basket.

Well that’s it for now, happy investing!

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