CARGO COIN - Revolutionizing Global Trade and Transportation with Block Chain Technology

When we refer to trade and transport in the world we realize that at the moment paper documents are issued for all transactions, regardless of the means of transport.
All original documents are being sent by couriers, taking time and money. All shipments and goods are paid for in the traditional way, by bank transfer or letter of credit. These are expensive, slow, non-confidential methods that cause additional unaccounted-for costs and asset depreciation.

That is why the application of blockchain technology is present in these markets (trade and transport) with the aim of creating a global network of exchange of digital assets safely and without intermediaries. Its features are ideally suited to the supply chain and business needs of today's trade and transport industries, focusing on transparency and security, automation, third-party verification of data, and possible solutions for certificates of origin or delivery documents.
In addition, transactions are made easier thanks to the emergence of intelligent contracts that facilitate their control and execution. They may include auto-execution functions, cancellation fees or extra charges, which are paid by cryptocurrencies.

Undoubtedly the revolution of the technological platform is essential to develop a significant advance in trade and transport, which is why I want to talk to you about Cargocoin...
CargoCoin is designed to be a smart contract, a platform for cryptocurrencies, decentralize trade and global transportation. The objective of the platform is to facilitate and optimize the interaction between traders, freight forwarders, shipping lines, reservation agents and all other parties involved in international trade and the transport of goods and cargo. The platform user experience describes a well-balanced ecosystem based on state-of-the-art encryption security and seamless interaction.

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CargoCoin is based on two main pillars that will provide confidence to each of the users:

  • The first pillar is the online platform: the aim is to create synergy between commodity and freight traders with all modes of transport worldwide. The integration of all participants and tools offers a unique ecosystem.
  • The second pillar is smart contracts: they can be used simply as an electronic means of recording the entire process from bid to delivery, or they can also be used to facilitate actual payment, whether it is a direct payment, escrow, deposit or partial release payment in several stages, thus fully unlocking the potential of cryptocurrency to act interactively, i.e. send, receive, approve, reject and sign documents through the process.

The aim of Cargocoin is to create synergy between commodity and freight traders with all modes of transport worldwide. The integration of all participants and utilities offers a unique and first-of-its-kind ecosystem.

It will be based on the new ERC223 token standard which is advanced, accurate and universal in the smart contracts required for the project.

Token Name:
Cargo Coin
ERC223 (Ethereum Blockchain)
Total supply:
100 000 000 CRGO
$5 000 000 USD
$55 000 000 USD
Token Sale:
01.04.2018 -31.08.2018
1 CRGO = $0.50 - 1.00 USD
Restricted areas:

Solutions offered by CargoCoin.

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  • Reduce fraud: Minimize the risk of fraud and in many cases eliminate it completely by not releasing any payments until the pre-established conditions of the counterparties are fully met Duplication of ownership documents is prohibited.
  • Lower costs: it will significantly reduce costs, compared to high percentages and other fees throughout the process by banks, post office, insurance companies, brokers, agents, etc.
  • Reduce delays: avoid delays by providing instantaneous exchange, review and approval of documents and payments between parties involved.
  • Maximize trust: Rely on the public infrastructure of Ethereum's blockchain, backed by thousands of people on a decentralized, end-to-end infrastructure. The use of proven and reliable technology speaks for itself.
  • Secure the information: It's naturally insured. It is based on the technology of the proven blockchain hash algorithm. There is no possibility of sensitive commercial information being leaked by intermediaries, such as banks, intermediaries, agents, etc.
  • Secure archiving: trusts and fully enables full historical storage of all transactions performed, avoiding the risk of physical loss or destruction of paper documents, while allowing for easy search and review of information stored in the past.

How the platform works

The goal of the CargoCoin smart platform is to create a global marketplace for commerce and transportation services, supported by smart contracts and encryption methods. In order to introduce SMART UTILITIES (smart contracts and payment methods) that create and increase the value of CargoCoin.
Smart Contracts: CargoCoin utilises the transport platform, as a secure transfer and storage method by the means of smart contracts, as well as a payment provider for transport services and cargoes. Fully unleashes the potential of crypto currencies to act as an interactive way of sending, receiving, approving, rejecting and signing documents through the process.
Transport platform: Dedicated platforms for the different types of transport in development will be interconnected, allowing for infinite transportation functionality. The objective is the creation of synergy between the commodities & cargo traders with all transport means on a global scale. The integration of all participants and tools delivers unique, one of a kind eco-system.
The use of free services naturally implements the platform's SMART SERVICES. The Marketplace is designed to be FREE for everyone.



Bogomil Alexandrovmd_5a9797d083160.png - Founder
Martin Ilievmd_5a9797d083160.png - Founder


Cpt.Ilkay Topcumd_5a9797d083160.png -Shipping, Transportation & Container specialist
Christina Sarastovamd_5a9797d083160.png - Shipping & Transportations specialist
Iliana Ilievalogo-facebook.png - Business developer
Samuela Valkovamd_5a9797d083160.png - PR & Marketing expert, event manager, press communication
Kaushik Ghoshmd_5a9797d083160.png - Blockchain Developer having expertise in Ethereum, Bitcoin and writing smart contracts
Mihaila Lukanovalogo-facebook.png - UI & Front-end developer
Bogdan Todorovlogo-facebook.png - Financial specialist
Petya Kalauzkalogo-facebook.png - Office manager
Zlatin Sarastovmd_5a9797d083160.png - BSc Finance at the University for National and World Economy
Luben Kazanlievmd_5a9797d083160.png - Attorney at law, Legal advisor
Iva Kitovamd_5a9797d083160.png - Graphics designer
Georgy Zhelyazkovmd_5a9797d083160.png - Inland transportation specialist
Piyush Guptamd_5a9797d083160.png - Blockchain Developer



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