The bitcoins has found its first obstacle in the real world

We all know the constant and hasty growth that has had the bitcoins in recent years, until these days have been presented two opponents who certainly should not take lightly. It is the case of the Chinese government and the Russian, these until it seems that they were coordinating effort to contain the growth of these currencies.


Let us look at the position of the Chinese in this regard; According to sources from the Bloomberg news agency, China is planning to ban and close the Criptodivisas markets directly. The Reuters agency confirms that information.

This would directly affect the bitcoins market as the largest Bitcoins mine in the world is located in the Chinese rural region of Sichuan. What I don't understand is why you want to destroy the encrypted currency.

The truth is that these actions have produced a fall of about 9% of its value in the market and I get a low in the whole market of the Criptomoneda since the bitcoins is the strongest of all. This is because if you meet these threats, the volume of operations will be reduced clearly.

Some leaks argue that China's ban will only take place in the official currency markets. Likewise, it is believed that this will have its consequences.

Greg Dwyer, director of business development at Criptomoneda of the BitMEX negotiating platform, recognizes that these threats are met: "If this turns out to be true, then this fall of the digital currencies is right to be and we could see a" "Major down the weekend, as it could mean that the big Chinese Bitcoin/yuan markets will have to stop operations."
A less radical case, is the one posed by the Russians where Siluanov pointed out that "the Russian state understands that the Criptodivisas are real." "There is no point in banning them, but there is a need to regulate."
The Russians are working to implement a regulatory law and are expected to include a procedure for the purchase of Criptodivisas in which people who want to buy this virtual money are registered.


To my mind, they see it as an enemy more than an ally, for those who know a little economy is known that every currency must have as support certain goods, for countries in these cases would be mineral reserves, domestic product and even the army which Influy In the value of their currencies. So how does a coin that has nothing of the kind to support it be worth so much? For nowadays its value is greater than that of gold. And that any currency present. And let's not forget that it's virtual.

At this time, the bitcoin is changed by 1 BTC = $3888.9063 unit (away from $4,600 last week), which means it can go down even more.

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Now it is a risky bet but could win a lot if you take advantage of buying cheap and if you get to beat the Bitcoins, in this little battle could be won a lot.

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