Sia Coin Posts large update - Sia v1.3.0

Siacoin is a service that provides decentralized file storage - allowing you to store files like photos, videos, and documents on the cloud. This is very similar to dropbox or google cloud, with one major difference, files are stored on a decentralized network of computers.

Sia v1.3.0

This release has several significant changes. Full release notes will be available when v1.3.0 is fully released, but here are some highlights:

Online file repair.

In previous versions of Sia (including v1.2.2), if you deleted your file from your local machine after uploading, it would be unable to restore redundancy, and so as hosts went offline the file would become increasingly unstable, and eventually you would be unable to download it. As of v1.3.0, when your redundancy drops the file will be repaired, even if you don't have the file saved locally anymore.

Substantially improved transaction propagation.

Prior to this release, the transaction pool was capped to a very small size (due to performance bottlenecks), and if transaction pools started to fill up, transactions could stop propagating across the network. As of this release, the transaction pool is larger, has a proper fee market, and has several other modifications that mean it will run better. The ultimate result here is that when you send money on the network, you can expect it to get into a block, even during times of high traffic

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