BOScoin Prepares Fundraiser for Its Evolving Cryptocurrency


BOScoin: Self-Evolving Cryptocurrency Platform

BOScoin announces its Fundraiser for its self-evolving cryptocurrency platform. The BOScoin Fundraiser starts on May 10th, 2017 (GMT). The Fundraiser will last for 41 days. In total, 276,093,688.786 BOScoins will be distributed.

During the Fundraiser, participants can exchange 1 Bitcoin for 40,000 BOScoin. Through this Fundraiser, the BOS Platform aims to raise over $10 million USD. Prior, on November 2016, BOScoin raised $3 million USD through their Pre-Fundraiser.

BOScoin aims to create a self-evolving cryptocurrency platform. With recent technological advances in genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and quantum computers, it’s even difficult to predict the next 5 years. BOScoin aims to create a cryptocurrency adaptable in every environment.

BOScoin utilizes executable smart contracts called “Trust Contracts” and has a decision-making body called the “Congress Network” to ensure perpetual adaptation. The BOS Platform aims to accelerate the usage of BOScoin by creating two premade apps that use BOScoin: celebrity popularity index “Stardaq” and crowd-sourced decision-making solution “Delicracy.”

Changki Park (CEO) founded the largest financial information portal in Korea, Paxnet, worked at Samsung for 14 years, and is the former head of the Financial Engineering Research Center at the State University of New York’s Korean campus.

“BOScoin is the first blockchain-based cryptocurrency that is designed to evolve. The embedded funding system and voting solution make BOScoin fit for every environment,” said Changki Park, BOScoin CEO.

BOScoin demonstrated Trust Contracts on their Demo Day. The event was filled with journalists from major broadcasting studios, alongside over 200 attendees. A general overview of BOScoin, a technical demo of Trust Contracts, and the current marketing progress was presented.

BOScoin is managed by the BOS Platform Foundation, a non-profit organization in Switzerland.


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