Infographics. Facts about bitcoin

Of course, you tell your friends and relatives about the cryptocurrency, bitcoin, share news with them and even train them. You are doing very right, because when the bankers announce to the world that the fiat doesn't exist anymore, most people on the planet will not be ready for it. And these moral freaks will again be in a win. This can not be tolerated.

You should not pay attention to their tricks and statements that "the crypto currency is not worth anything, it's a bubble and that bitcoin has no future." Believe me, as long as they say it - in the banks there is an intensive work on the transition to the blockchain. Huge departments and secret financial teams are working on this and whole countries are developing programs for the transition to the crypto currency, and some have already partially switched to it.

Therefore, keep telling people you know about crypto currency, help them understand what is really going on. I very much hope that our open University of crypto social networks will also help you with this.

I also advise you to pay attention to the Infographics course and, for example, to this work which was kindly provided to the project project bitcoinplay. net (Karthik Reddy). And the most important thing. I want to advise you never to lose heart and not to worry because of the bitcoin course. Such infographics like this - very well help in the minutes when you begin to doubt the future of bitcoin.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now

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