What is the Network Worth to YOU? Value in Hardware



803 Mining Operation Startup Idea or the Future?
803 Mine is a USA startup founded by Nick Amato from Southern Ca. I met him at the Ethereum O.C. meetup where he was giving a lecture on "What is Mining?" I was very interested in the hardware of actual mining and was talking to him before the event and learned many valuable things about the actual hardware, mining side of our beloved networks. After listing to his lecture and how he has been personally mining is 2012, he gave his pitch for the 803 Mine and why he wants to start and thinks it is so valuable to start a mine in the USA. The United States does not currently have any significant amount of Blockchain Hashing Power. For any network. We are only falling further behind at this point as well, which in turn creates an issue with what we all believe to be decentralized blockchains, are in fact not, in the sense that the USA has no real vote I.E. hashing power so low basically irrelevant.

Think about that. I did and what comes next is that we are falling behind and giving up our ability to truly be involved in the backbone of what blockchains are, decentralized networks. We can all start an ICO, but who is going to secure and decentralize the network. Who is going to be our vote in mining decisions, I.E. Segwit/2x/cash debate? The exchanges! Foreign miners (not saying they are bad, we need them just as much as we need to be involved). We need to be involved though, we need HASHING POWER NOW.

I would love to hear of any other projects like this out there. I would love to know that here in what is supposed to be the leading nation of the free world (decentralized?), which should be a leader in decentralizing blockchains (for me it’s in the verbiage of the founding of this nation and leaving the crown in the first place) is stepping up in a bigger way than just trying to just get rich quick on BTC. If the blockchain is to remain decentralized and to truly grow and gain value for all we have to stand up and take a stake in it, not just putting monies into the ICO's, buying, selling, hodling or trading BTC, we need to actually have hardware hashing the network! We need more miners, we need lots of them, as many as we can possible have to keep it from becoming centralized controlled by several large mining operations/companies far flung overseas. One or two small operations might not make a differences here in the US, but if we can change the idea that mining is only done somewhere else, and get back to the bootstrapping nature that this country was built on, I.E. the actual gold rush, western migration, space!!, in an accumulative fashion, we can create a true voice in the future of these networks, blockchains, Ideas that we are all so heavenly invested in financially, socially, emotionally, but now we need to be invested physically!!!!! I hope that others will exchange their thoughts and feelings on this issue and step up to the plate and support 803 Mine and any other true hardware on US soil mining operation that follows suit, we need decentralized mining operations.

We need more people wanting to create the back bone/core of the blockchain, we need more people willing to reinvest the gains they have made from crypto's, and put it back into that system that generated that wealth for them in the first place. We need to get back to the basic's first and create strength in the underlying mechanism HARDWARE and from that point we can continue down the path of realizing and actualizing all these amazing new ideas!

We need to put the horse first again. Then we can build any chariot we want.

If you know of any other projects like this, please put them in the comments, these are the kinds of projects, the ones that actually make BTC and the other coins worth something, that I am interested in. As far as I am aware thus far, Nick and his team at 803 Mine are the first of what I hope to be a new drive to bring Hashing Power to the United States. Let me know what you think of the idea of 803 Mine a membership based Mining company which Token holders help build and then reap the rewards from securing the actual hashing power of the blockchains, not just threw inflation, speculations, but actualization, HARDWARE runs software keep this in mind at all times………………

The future Hodl’s

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