Cryptocurrency : My Last Hope Part II

Fountain Garden

Hello Guys, I am back with next chapter and those of you who missed reading the introduction and first part of my story can visit here Part I & Introduction. With all the excitement and enthusiasm about what will happen on the following day I kept surfing the web for better results. The results which will get me more and more knowledge about the bitcoin and the rest crypto currency. Not only that, but I also started taking with my other crypto friends who were wondering how did I get into it so fast. They suggested me some of the sites like

  1. CoinTelegraph
  3. CoinDesk
  4. Bitcointalk Forum Itself
  5. Wikipedia
  6. Some local blogs from etc.

These were all new for me when I first started and I always focused on these sites because they wren suggested by my friends from crypto gang.

When I started with crypto I was very motivated and my friends told me that you will get bored later on so whatever motivation you have gotten these days is the actual key for you to grab as much knowledge as you could and you must. I kept those things on my mind and always started asking different question like "What is blockchain", "Whats the use of it" and "what could it benefit to us" and much more. These were the usual questions that might have hit you also when you started the first time. Then I got the realistic answers for them from different sites.

However, I did realise that they were not the same! That was trouble! I mean there were mixed answers from different sites, some of them were just copy paste kind of stuff and that made me more confusing about it. But I do think that the internet is full of confusion and this confusion is because of many minds thinking in all different ways. Also, I do think that blockchain or bitcoin or the whole crypto thing has been taken in different ways by different people and that is why there is no single answer for these in the internet.

When I asked my Cryptonians' about this then they told you me, you don't have to go so much deep at this moment otherwise you will really end up making yourself confused a lot, better watch everything superficially and wait for the right time to hit the deep data base.

I said, "Well, okay I'm getting the feel for it, may be I'm too concerned about the earning and thats why getting carried away that much". So the weekend came in and I had feeling of the examination that we used to give in the graduate course. Literally! There was nothing like that but as I discussed with my friends I think I was getting carried away deep inside and my money problems were the driving force too.

The weekend popped in and it was sunny morning again when we meet at the same tea stall located in the Fountain Garden . The wooden table was washed in the mining and was dazzling with its brownish polish in that sunbath. Our tea stall was just opened up and the tea's burning leaf smell was blending in the air around the stall. It was very nerve calming feeling and I always liked that as it made me calm from daily routine.

This was the day when my friend was going to tell me what to do next thing! I was ready completely and I thought that he is going to cross question me and take my exam to know whether I really studied the whole thing or not. However to my surprise, nothing like that happened, he as always opened up is greyish coated laptop in front of me and went on the BitcoinTalk site.

That was the first time when he clicked into the Service Section where I never went earlier. Then I saw all the titles saying something about the Signature Campaigns! When that section was opened everything there was yelling XYZ Signature campaign, ABC Twitter & Facebook campaign! Again eyes started rolling and there were million questions on my face. My friend then saw at me and said, "My friend, this is the section which is loved by almost every person that uses the BitcoinTalk forum, and if someone says to you that they don't, then believe me they are lying on that one!" What could have said at that time with no idea about what he was saying so I just kept mum and said "Um, Okay".

He started explaining what these campaigns are all about! The campaign is ran by different managers on the forums, these campaigns are the part of different companies and ICO projects who wants to publish themselves in the crypto community. Then there were again lots of questions on my face,

What is the ICO?
Why they want to publish themselves on the crypto forum?
Which kind of companies market over there?
Why and how they pay us for that?

The whole thing was off my head, unless and until I would ask any more questions, my friend slapped me on my head with friendly gesture and said exaggerated, what the hell you were doing with your balls the whole week!! How could you have so many questions after giving so much time to learn. Come on man you can't just sit right there and make money!

I was literally frowned by his response and I was also right at my place because how would I know all those words, things without any pre-contact. Then I said yeah okay I will give more time to learn these things as those words came infront of me for the first time bro! So, the next thing was to know how these companies work, what is the ICO and basically I was supposed to learn that signature thing. So that was the only thing we did over just one cup of tea and my greedy friend with all the knowledge of crypto went away like that.

Its always nerve wrecking when he leaves me behind with the homework and I can't do anything about it really but just to wait for another week. Its both fun and something that excites me. So here is the thing, as I go through my homework we take some rest from this chapter and wait until the weekend again!

Until then let me finish up my cup of tea and you do the same!

See you next time :-)


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