Cryptocurrency : My last hope!

A pharmacist, educated from average school and fairly high class graduate college is now a crypto hunter to survive and accomplish his dreams. The dream, it follows from the start of his Pharmaceutical career at the age of 23. The dreamer belongs to middle class family from the countryside. Parents unchartered with education always thought that their son, the pharmacist will change the conditions of their family. They wanted to move to city always but because of the plight situation of the family they just hoped the day will come soon. The pharmacist knew that very well, he struggled the school and then shifted himself to city to get satisfactory education of the pharmacy to fulfil the needs of family. When he reached the city for the first time he was overwhelmed with the crowd, style, and living fashion. The college was marvellous according to his life style and he enjoyed the study over there.


He spent four years in his graduation during which he made many friends including those back benchers who were always into the digital world considering their disinterestedness into the studies. The pharmacist however was very keen in his studies and always focused onto skills and experimentations. Along with his studies he started to forgot that he was from the countryside and merged himself into different fashion style soon. The woods were replaced by innovative ideas in his mind and the farms were replaced by vision of his own high tech laboratory. However, the path was not so easy. He knew deep inside that he came from the village whose whole capital was not even sufficient to fulfil his day dreams of the tech laboratory.

This incidence and thoughts led him towards his so called "back-benchers" gang who were masters of internet world. They did not know how to study but they did know that how to earn bucks from the internet world. They introduced him to the world of Bitcoin, a digital currency running on the smart algorithm called as blockchain. This concept was very hard for himself to digest in the first place but his friends taught him it the easy way. One of the master said, "Friend, consider this currency as your goal saver, for which you don't have to work hard but work smarter". The meaning? He asked himself many times whenever he was alone and stood one day to research on the bitcoin. Then he come to know there exist many opportunities of the earning via the medium of bitcoin. He considered bitcoin as the bridge between him and his high tech goals.

Meanwhile, graduation was finished and without any doubt he was the goal medalist of his college but had no sentiment about it. Soon after leaving the college he was offered with job at mega-research and development facility near the town. The pharmacist did accept it and went with the flow to pursue the dreams. However, when he started working with the organisation he came to know that it was based on the generic market where they just do the copying of the research and their is no real research going on. Then he also came to know that the salary which he was getting is not enough to survive and whatever is left can't even get closer to his dreams.

This was the second driving force for the pharmacist to get into crypto land and he contacted one of his masters again. Then they taught him to research on the bitcointalk forum, the creator of which was the founder of Bitcoin itself. He was excited to go there and learn the things from the bottom to peak. when he landed in the forum everything was even complex than the his first step into the city from the countryside! There was noise, there were hundreds of topics, thousands of crypto currencies! He sat down for a while and told himself if you want to get at the top of everything then you have to leave the job and focus on the dreams with full fledge. He made a plan, to work with the forum and different ways of earning. He trained himself with making of videos, started drawing the arts, started improving his English to write the high quality posts, controlled the time to reach out to hundreds of bounties everyday. The pharmacist was learning and improving himself with the forum and he was still not greedy about it.

The guy, now upgraded himself from the "R&D field Researcher" to "Computer digital field" worker! The pharmacist now writing his own story on steemit and needs to expand his wings to the green field where he could establish the effective research facility with whatever income he earns from the crypto world.

Thats, the last hope of the pharmacist, pushing himself from the farmers house to the urban land, and moving into the R&D passing through the crowd, flying towards the dream of his own laboratory with the help of single computer and multi-billion crypto currencies.

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