DOPE Coins - The Cryptos that Support Cannabis

Do you know how many Cannabis dedicated coins I found? This Cryptocurrencies are just dope!!!

Ok, I was doing some research to reap off something interesting to write to my fellah Steemians and suddenly I got stamina high when I found so many dope, high, stoned!!!

So, this is the TOP 5 weed cryptocurrencies that will get you high or… make you stoned… or… let’ see... if this sh*t is good!


Top 5 WEED Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap:

PotCoin (POT): MarketCap $20 475 980
3 Months Variation: 150%

DopeCoin (DOPE): MarketCap $ 2 560 000
3 Months Variation: 858%

HempCoin (THC): MarketCap $ 1 830 000 (love their symbol!)
3 Months Variation: 761%

CannabisCoin (CANN): $1 623 000
3 Months Variation: 343%

CannaCoin (CCN): $ 291 000
3 Months Variation: 886%

Average weedy coins 3 months variation: 599% WOW SUCH HIGH!!!

PotCoin (POT)

According to their website, “PotCoin is an ultra-secure digital cryptocurrency, network and banking solution for the $100 billion global legal marijuana industry.”
They use a Proof-of-stake technology, reduced transaction fees and fast transactions.


DopeCoin (DOPE) Love this website

DopeCoin is “a digital currency for the marijuana enthusiasts”. Their website is pretty dope! DopeCoin pays 5% annual interest just to hold it and the block time is 60 seconds. They also claim that the transactions are confirmed within one minute after sending.


HempCoin (THC)

The objective behind HempCoin is really nice. According to their website, “focused digital currency for the Agriculture/Farming Industry and Marijuana/Hemp Industry, built on the source of Bitcoin, its use includes the Marijuana dispensaries and the entire Agriculture/Farming trade business.”
Their objective is to connect farmers, dispensaries, distributors and consumers.


CannabisCoin (CANN)

CannabisCoin is “a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency for the Cannabis Community. Instant real world payments. Dispensary Tested.” Their website doesn't say much sorry.


CannaCoin (CCN)

I love their logo!!! CannaCoin is a Decentralized, Peer2Peer, Open Source, Proof-of-stake crypto. They pay 2% annual interest. Cannacoin use Scrypt mining algorithm.
Their website is pretty informative!


Oh… I was writing this and just remembering the @Trevonjb stoned videos! When are doing one of those videos again?!

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