~ Can Someone Do the Math? ~


Offer young adults the option to obtain not only free D & C’s but irreversible vasectomies.

Compensation for these government conducted operations would be based upon the current specific zip codes of participants along with a mathematical formula of projected lifetime governmental expenses, minus projected income tax revenue, in relation to existing mean family size should they have chosen not to participate.

Such benefits as child education, child support, food supports, average percentage of cost of percent of adults incarcerated at approximately $100,000 per year and other such things that would not be incurred if children were not conceived.

Then offer those young adults, IF they have no previous children, a one time stipend for undergoing the appropriate irreversible operation as a portion or a small percentage of what projection would be incurred IF such number of children would have been conceived.

This voluntary program would save federal revenue and the moral cost of the general citizenry.

In addition, this program provides a direct influx of income for participating individuals AND their immediate neighborhoods.

Win. Win. Win.

Win for directly related citizens.
Win for reduction of government spending.
Win for all citizens of participating government.

...Pay the participants of the sex operations in the cryptocurrency of their choice so that they themselves directly receive all payments from the federal government for participating within this specific program. Thus these individuals would be solely in charge of their tax free earnings in a form that could not be diminished by government caused inflation of a government backed currency.

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