Legal Tender...

In the United States, the term "legal tender" means that if there is a debt, you have to agree to receive whichever currency is designated as legal tender, as payment for that debt. It does not mean that you have to accept debt from people who will only pay you in U.S. Dollars, and it certainly does not mean you cannot negotiate another currency between the two parties if desired.

If the U.S. Dollar brings with it corruption and complicity, why not request a different currency as payment for the hard work you do for your employer? This would create a market demand for the currency you deem ethical and moral, and would allow you to free yourself from complicity in acts that are only made possible through the U.S. Dollar.

You can still pay all of your taxes and contribute as directed by law even if you are paid in a cryptocurrency. If they impose a law at a later date making cryptocurrency illegal to give to employees as compensation, I guess at least we'll know for sure what world we are living in.

If your employer refuses to pay you in a currency that you deem to be ethical, they do not respect you. They see you the same way a farmer sees cattle; meat-bags for profit. They are allowed to pay you in a currency that doesn't betray your ethics and morals, what is their excuse for not doing it?

Would you enrich an employer that doesn't respect your morals and ethics?

Don't let yourself be disrespected. Demand what you think is right. If your employer is on your side, you have nothing to fear. If they aren't, wouldn't you want to know?

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