UN meeting... to combat cryptocurrency

#The UN is currently meeting to plan how we should all live... did you even know?

##16 on the meetings agenda is " New Global Human Order "
Interesting - looking around the www it would seem the people of USA want no parts of any new orders.

This I found interesting given cryptocurrency, its threat to the establishment (UN and bankers) and national currency. Crypto buffs say cryptocurrency is more powerful and reliable than the dollar, or the other currencies of the world. Is crytpo going to become public enemy #1?

On this years agenda for the UN they talk about this:

The General Committee decided to recommend the inclusion of sub-item (e) of item 17 under heading A (Promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and recent United Nations conferences). Sub - item (f) of item 17 of the draft agenda (Promotion of international cooperation to combat illicit financial flows in order to foster sustainable development)> Source: http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/En/20170914e.pdf?En/20170914E

Reading comprehension says "combat illicit financial flows" means cryptocurrency is about to come under international fire.
Crypto unfortunately is also tied to a lot of illicit crap, at least in the public perception. According the UN illicit financial flows tends to refer to terrorism and money laundering...


here is a video i already resteemed and am sharing here for the love of information sharing . She goes over their agenda, isn't 100% objective but she highlights things we should all be paying attention to... and if the UN is about people... we should all be involved at some level.

The agenda for the meetings going on now can be found here: http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/En/lateste.pdf
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