Mt. Gox CEO goes on trial in Japan - ABC News - via @ABC

Mt. Gox former CEO, Mark Karpeles, after being arrested and released on bail in 2015, is seeing his day in court in Japan from the 'inexplicable loss of approximately 850,000 bitcoins' from the virtual currency exchange's failure.

Despite the devastating effect that Mt. Gox had on the cryptocurrency world, not to mention the individuals, Karpeles would only face up to 5 years in prison or a $4,000.00 fine (500,000.00 yen) if found guilty. Is this fair? via @ABC

Does this outrage anyone other than victims of this criminal activity with no seemingly legitimate explanation for the disappointment of Mt. Gox, one of the first major online exchanges for cryptocurrencies?

This absolutely stunted the growth of BTC for years; at least until more secure methods of storing coin offline became available (i.e. Jaxx Wallet, Ledger Wallet, and others).

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