Get up to $50 in free Stellar tokens

You heard me right. If you have a Coinbase account, you can get up to $50 bucks right now by watching a few short videos and answering a question for each video about Stellar. There are only 5 videos and you earn $2 dollars in tokens for each question you answer. Easy money! When you are done, you'll get an invite link like this one (please use it):

to invite some of your friends and the'll give you $10 dollars in tokens for each invited person that watches just one video and answers it's question.

If you don't have a coinbase account, you can sign up here:

And then come back and use the link to get some crypto for your new coinbase wallet. :)

Side note:

Yes, it is a shameless promotion using invite links and I will benefit from your involevment, but you can turn around and do the same and we all expect you too. We all benefit from stuff like this and supporting each other. So please no comments about "spam" or trying to put me down for doing something to help our community, myself, my family, and yes, even you!

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