Why you should buy some VIVA Treasury Rights


Viva Treasury Rights are rights to mint Viva, this however can only be done by a mint. However any Treasury rights you have in your Tradeqwik account will sink into VIP at a rate as it stands of 211 VIP per trade right.

Soon after August 1st Viva will turn on the ability to put your account into retirement mode, this means once you have 8730 VIP in your account you can switch on retirement mode and VIP will convert to one Viva each and you will recieve one an hour until you either turn it off or use up all your VIP.
8730 is one full years worth of recieving 1 VIVA an hour ever hour.
Now if you wait a few weeks until Viva has hit it's new peg of $10 that's $240 a day, $1680 a week or $87,300 a year .

Right now Treasury Rights or TR's are available on Tradeqwik for as little as 85 Viva. This is a bargin as come August 1st those treasury rights will be worth as it stands 211 Viva each. And with the Viva peg increasing from $6.08 as it stands now to $10 over the next couple of weeks right now they are a major bargin. If you want some go quick, there are only 36 left on the market.

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