Aditus (ADI) Token Allocation — The Details

Total Supply: 750M tokens
Max Circulating Supply in 2018: 300M tokens

Tokens Sold in initial Token Sale: 200M
Strategic Partners Pool: 200M
Available for 2018: 40M
Locked for 2018: 160M

Merchants Pool: 200M
Available for 2018: 40M
Locked for 2018: 160M

Team / Founders: 112.5M
100% locked for 2018: 112.5M

Bounty Pool: 37.5M
Available for 2018: 20M
Locked for 2018: 17.5M



  1. New Total Token Supply: 750M
    Just before the Aditus Initial Token Sale (ITS) started, we voluntarily reduced our hard-cap. After the ITS was completed, we burned 250M tokens as promised, which you can see on Etherscan.

This bring our total token supply down to 750M tokens.

  1. Allocation of Tokens from Founder’s Pool to create new Bounty Pool
    To show appreciation for the support shown to us by the community, as well as to show our confidence in our vision, we have also decided to allocate a portion of team / co-founder’s pool to a new bounty pool created to run promotion and bug bounties. This is in line with our planned product roll-out throughout 2018.

  2. Locked-up Portions in each Pool
    You may remember that we have a few pools of ADI tokens set aside for

· Merchants
· Strategic Partners
· Team and Founders

In order to bring the proportions of these pools in line with the new total supply of 750M ADI, we will be locking up 50% to 100% portions of each pool for at least one year (details below.)

The steps above create a maximum circulating supply of 300M tokens for 2018.

The addresses of the locked pools are available below for anyone to verify and audit via Etherscan at any time:

Locked Merchant Pool: 0x4F16ECBB17B071c1465ca415619eC5d15240A16F
Locked Partner Pool: 0x8cD91c6D8dA38b608839d28c490fBA7e2D31E1B4
Locked Team Pool: 0x3477FA3E0cd8EdB7558C01D5ba1D09fc8f28823B
Locked Bounty Pool: 0x2c03bB00ED559DEFcbd7B9B6924c07d0EDd69c84


  1. Merchant Sales / Ecosystem Participants pool


Total No of Tokens in Pool: 200M
Available for 2018: 40M
Locked for 2018: 160M (Etherscan Address)

Luxury merchants are critical participants in the Aditus ecosystem. Aditus is intended as a rewards currency used by them to incentivize crypto-affluents to engage with them before making a purchase.

The tokens allocated to this pool will be used by Aditus in two ways:

a) For allocation in small quantities that cannot be sold or traded, and can only be used in Aditus Smart Invitations

b) For sale to luxury merchants, with each token priced at a premium above the exchange traded price

All luxury merchants wishing to participate in the Aditus platform will have to be pre-approved by Aditus. We select merchants based on the attractiveness of their offerings to our members.

Merchants can choose to buy Aditus tokens directly from this pool.

Buying Aditus tokens directly has the advantage of being easier than buying it from a crypto-exchange, which is why we will charge a premium for such purchases. This added premium will be at least 20% higher than ADI’s exchange-traded price.

If they do not wish to pay this premium, they are free to purchase ADI from exchanges, which will provide further liquidity to the markets.

While many token companies simply choose to allocate tokens for free to important stakeholders, Aditus has chosen this relatively unique strategy to align interests of all ecosystem participants — from luxury merchants to token holders.

  1. Strategic Partner Pool


Total No of Tokens in Pool: 200M
Available for 2018: 40M
Locked for 2018: 160M(Etherscan Address)

We have previously announced partnerships with Kyber, Digix and Pundi X in which their members get access to Aditus’ VIP programs.

The essence of this strategy is to partner with other established crypto players with large communities. Many in these communities will be crypto-affluents or ‘crypto-whales’.

While our partners and Aditus work on executing the existing partnerships, many more partnerships are in the works. Please stay tuned.

  1. Team and Founders Pool
    Original Total No of Tokens in Pool: 150M
    Tokens moved to create new Bounty Pool: 37.5M
    New No of Tokens in Team / Founders Pool: 112.5M (Etherscan Address)
    No of Tokens vesting in 2018: 0 (Fully Locked)

The founders pool will be fully locked for 2018, to fully-align interests between our team and the Aditus Community.

Aditus’ strategy is long term. And while Aditus is a new coin, our interactions in the market the last few months have given us more confidence in Aditus’ vision. The token distribution above reflects our confidence

Thank you for your support, and feel free to ask us any questions about this.

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