Growing up wasn’t all fun to me, or should I rephrase that what I do for leisure growing up was totally different from what other kids my age does to get by. I was blessed to an average family of modernized hunters. Oh, don’t be too surprise, we don’t hunt down animal, I myself am against the idea of poaching. One of the first deal I could remember being told so well by my parent then was how to quickly capitalize on any opened opportunity. I was also made to know how very important it is to get information about our hunt, so as to be able to contribute to the family in a way even though not money directly. My family earn just above average income and lucky enough, we are 7 in the family. So in order to survive and keep up, my parent learn to be hunters and they in turn pass it down to us. But we are special hunter, we hunt for anything that will make the family spending minimal, ranging from any shop with coupon, discount and big of it all cashbacks. We are Cashback hunters.
I learn to shuffle all available magazines and newspaper daily in my school library and am very sure, all of us do that daily, and come with daily report of any discount that will pay. No matter the distant, we are ready to track it down and buy there.
But over time, we discovered that most of the cashback we will is not coming in handy, due to multiple factors such as, long processing time, difficulty in sending out of the seller account and some shop owner just using the idea only to lure in shoppers. I could remember my daddy nearly fought a shop owner over that.
When we watch TV, we focus mainly on advert with coupon or discount or cashback, even till date. When we shuffle net, you can only do well to link up the family with a cashback site, so we can all buy in different bit, and walk home feeling good. But recently, it has not been working out.
Shops or retailers now use cashback and other bonus just to get customers, with no intention of paying back. And when you are even lucky to win one, you have lots of processing and online site clicking and document upload to do before you can even come close to the cashback. And before you know, 2 months is gone, while waiting for just $1000. And no guarantee of getting $800 full from it.
And I was shocked when I heard some other people complain of such, why is cashbacks difficult to get, why is paying it so complex and discouraging. Why are shops indirectly, charging bonus fee on the same product by first increasing the money in the first place before making it a bonus.
That’s why we need a new platform, that will stay through to her word. And thanks to the technology of Blockchain and the functionality of the cryptocurrency. We now have a solution to it all.
Thus, who already is a functional online retail platform is set to proffer solution to all the aforementioned problem, and in order to do this, they are set to move to the blockchain technology using the REME coin as transaction to settle all business deals. platform will be a global retail outlet for shopping of new or used goods with the easiest and best cashback system ever. The company is set to institute a 100% Cashbacks on all transaction without exploiting the customers through price hike.
How will this be? will launch her platform token REME-coin, which will be on blockchain platform, which afford quick payment of cashbacks 100% into customer wallet in less than 24 hours. This will be automatically removed from the sellers wallet and straight into customer wallet. No more waiting.
Also, the platform will will eliminate the need for searching for coupons and switching of platform by making all goods cheap and quality as possible. is set to give unlimited Cashbacks to customer without hold back.
So are you a seller or a customer, buy the security token of the platform and let's rejuvenate trading sphere.
REME-coin is an ERC20 compatible security token and has good prognosis as to keep rising. So get yours now!

For more information and to join the token sale. Visit.
The website

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