How to profit from all the New unique blockchain services: Steemcoin/Steemit to replace Reddit, SiaCoin for cloud storage, bitshares for finance, GameCredits for gaming, CureCoin & GridCoin for for Folding@home, PotCoin for cannabis etc

Just wanted to give some advice on how to profit off all of these new Blockchain services that could all grow and have great potential...

So we will have Steemit as a decentralized censorship proof replacement for reddit that utilizes blockchain and cryptocurrency...(fueled by peoples' real life US dollar purchases of bitcoin and then bitcoins traded for STEEM or Steem dollars, which allows the crypto currency its all based on grow and grow and the value of posts will keep going up...I see the most promise with this blockchain service system...;)

SiaCoin for a blockchain crypto currency storage of files...."Sia is an actively developed decentralized storage platform. Users all over the world contribute disk storage from their computers to form a decentralized network. Anybody with siacoins can rent storage from this network, and hosts are. paid for their contributions." and these are still very cheap..u can get 30,000 for a few dollars...

BitShares for finance "BitShares provides a high-performance decentralized exchange, with all the features you would expect in a trading platform." also still quite cheap...

GameCredits for the ability to use and earn REAL valuable crypto currency as in game credits so youre not wasting your time playing games....also very cheap

CureCoin for Science: "Network security from hashing is good. Making money is great. Curing Cancer, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, preventing viruses, and designing next-level pharmaceuticals is awesome. What if we could put these together, to build a coin secured and run by crypto, mined with SHA256, and supported by cancer-curing research?
CureCoin allows owners of both ASIC and GPU/CPU hardware to earn. CureCoin puts ASICs to work at what they are good at--securing a blockchain, while it puts GPUs and CPUs to work with work items that can only be done on them--protein folding. While still having a secure blockchain, it supports, and thus is supported by, scientific research. And also very very cheap

Grid Coin for distributed computing and folding @home seti@home etc "Gridcoin (Ticker: GRC) is a decentralized, open source math-based digital asset (cryptocurrency). ... Gridcoin rewards BOINC computation using the Distributed Proof of Research (DPOR) reward mechanism, which is a combination of Proof of BOINC (POB) and Proof of Stake (POSv2)." very cheap

BitMark for blockchain digital property(like Images, Videos, Songs, etc) management that watermarks content with invisible blockchain watermark to always know WHO was the ORIGINAL uploader of content! ! "Bitmark allows you to turn your personal data and digital assets into unique property. In a healthy digital environment we know what is what, who is who, and what belongs to whom. But we are swimming in an ocean of digital detritus where we’ve contributed data from personal devices and on computers, as well as data from the expanding Internet of Things. Though we may not see our data, parts of us are forever in the internet. Those parts like our words, our images and media have value for others yet we have no regard for them, our rightful properties." also pretty cheap

BelaCoin for WebCam Coins forMobile gaming apps and Video Live Streamers (Adult and non adult)." Belacoin, with 2 minute block times, is a versatile cryptocurrency that serves the Bellachess game on Google Play and the upcoming Belacam social media site."

PotCoin for Cannabis and which could be used at Dispensaries and reward early adopters as the price goes up when whole dispensaries start accepting it or using it somehow...May just be a vanity coin but it could also solve the massive Cash problem with legal cannabis dispensaries and stores..."PotCoin (code: POT) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency which exists with the aim of becoming the standard form of payment for the legalized cannabis industry." also its very cheap

Darkcoin or DASH for secure private nearly untraceable payments...Formerly known as DarkCoin, the encrypted blockchain private transaction tool, now called Dash and at over $40 per coin, is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that offers instant transactions (InstantSend), private transactions (PrivateSend) and token fungibility

Stratis or STRAT for Businesses " Stratis is a powerful and flexible Blockchain Development Platform designed for the needs of real world financial services and businesses. $STRAT is the fuel that powers and secures the Stratis blockchain. It is used to pay fees per transaction and as an instrument for transfer of value among participants in the Stratis marketplace. Our enterprise-grade development platform nStratis is a simple and affordable end-to-end solution for native C# and .Net blockchain applications: solutions tailored exactly to your specific needs " the coin is pretty cheap

So how can you profit from all of these and many more Crypto Currencies and crypto concepts that are as promising as This one Steemit?

I recommend getting on a Crypto exchange and I personally am using Poloniex But you can also use Shapeshift, Bittrex, whatever exchange you want, I personally only know about and use Poloniex and anyway it is just very easy to use and fast and I havent had a problem...And it allows the trading of a large list of crypto alt coins....Anyway I recommend loading up your poloniex or Exchange account with at least $10 worth of bitcoin (Thats how you fund the account) and then go buy 10 cents worth of all sorts of these amazing new currencies that you can find a list of on your Account funds page on Poloniex...its very easy, you can click on the coin you want to trade and trade away! . and also MinerGate to mine I REALLY love this program, (Please signup here under my affiliate link ) and they make it for windows, mac and linux! And it REALLY REALLy makes mining easy! And on an old 2009 laptop I am still getting 20HS and able to get over 60 BCM, .1 DASHcoins (not DASH butanother type) and with my old almost 10 year old laptop I can still mine 3 things at once while using another cpu core for web browsing...and at night u can use all your cores, and if i had a video card i would be mining even more coins at once on those but I love this program because it lets me mine on my CPU...and later when I do have my old desktop with an upgraded video card mining with minergate ill be able to mine with both cpu cores and then 4 more with the GPU cores ...its so cool to have a mining app this userfriendly ...I am finally able to mine alt coin cyrpto currencies because of Minergates simplicity...

It has a SUPER easy Setup and GUI you just login and click start on whatever coin u want to mine OR just start the program up login and it will automatically always start a process called" smartmining" where it just always makes sure to begin mining the coin the biggest recent value increase....and i use Minergate to cloud mine and currently started with a 20GH for just $3 and will get a reward by 3 days from now, ill post how much was made from that renting of is really cool to be able to mine alt coins this cheap and with this low end computing power and i already have a good amount of alt coins from mining with minergate with its SUPER user friendly GUI only one button to turn on and off mining of all sorts of coin all graphically represented..., not very valuable now but they might be soon one day! Its inevitable!

So anyway just wanted to make this post about how we can all make sure to invest either a little of our time and our computers processing power and or just a few dollars of bitcoin into our crypto trading accounts (poloniex, etc) and really just buy a little of everything! That way youre bound to really profit when one of these new crypto currencies explodes in value like they do! And these very promising crypto services all seem like they will be growing in size and users and in value very soon within the next few years......And of course Etherium is more of a competitor with bitcoin and used as a currency and I expect many of you already know about it which is why it wasnt mentioned. I just wanted to discuss some things I had never heard of until recently which I see are all great blockchain services with bright futures thanks to their use and adoption of the blockchain in one way or another...even just being a crypto currency is goo enough for things like GameCredits where it allows in game money to actually be worth something! and it could even go up enough to really make gamers feel like they really did something useful after earning REAL money that is actually tradable for bitcoin and then cash! Anyway its all very promising and I just wanted to shout this out there. Thanks for reading.
Here are some other Blockchain services (in the following image) mentioned and also not mentioned, however some of the following like Augur and Synero CAN be bought and sold (traded) on the Exchange Poloniex and probobly many others as well but the main point here is not making incentivization and wealth creation comes with the blockchain and cryptocurrency territory....and tbhe real stars of this are the Bl;ockchain services...the ability to store information like a cloud storage service, the ability to conduct financial services the abiulity to use the blockchain for so much more and even use it to Vote with a sort of Bit-Congress would be the ultamite goal right? Biometrically backed Blockchain verification is next right? The future of the blockchain is very exciting indeed I really like the idea of using the blockchain for more than just money. And as far as Steemit goes, but Reddit has so much data it just makes sense to somehow monetize it like Steemit does and take advantage of reddit getting stale to "jump ship" and try for a mass exodus from Reddit over to Steemit like the original mass exodus of Digg to Reddit ......and we need a way to create Sub-steemits on demand and populate Steemit with multiple different sub-Steemits like Reddit has.... its not stealing subreddits for us to have our own places to post about categories, so feel free to "copy" a subreddit 's name like "showerthoughts" when creating a new steemit, or feel free to "copy" any famous subreddit like "MildlyInteresting when you want to create a new substeemit... reddit cant copyright the phrase MildyInteresting or ShowerThoughts and HEY Reddit has NO power over us here! I feel...FREE i feel SO FREE it FEELS SO GOOD! They cant censor us here and "archive" a post so noone can comment on it! I LOVE decentralization! screw reddit! hah! this is the Blockchain motherfuckers

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