Manchester bars and coffee shops that won't let you pay with cash any more. More people are being made aware of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies and the way we will live our lives in the future. Steemit Shout Out to Emily Heward..!!

#Cryptocurrency News

Manchester Evening News  (2).jpg
Credit: Manchester Evening News

I've been driving my family and close friends absolutely crazy

For the last +4 years, I have been driving my family and close friends absolutely crazy talking about #Bitcoin, #Blockchain, #Cryptocurrency and nearly 2 years about #Steemit and #Steem.

Even now, after +4 years, most of them still don't get it.

Despite the hours of conversations we have had, most of them simply will not believe what I am trying to get across and I can only think that it is because they had not heard or read about from a source that they feel is reliable and one that they can relate too.

A few weeks ago my brother emailed me a link to an article on the Manchester Evening News Website about how Coffee Shops and Bars in Manchester are turning to #Bitcoin and #Cryptocurrencies for payment.

Strangely enough, over the weekend my parents handed me the hard copy that they had saved, taken out of the newspaper to read.

As my parents handed me the copy, both of them said " this what you have being banging on about?"



After +4 years, I have finally broken through and the message is slowly getting across.

Though they still don't fully understand it, the sheer fact that it was written in the Manchester Evening News in black and white is a start, as the article allowed us to talk about a little further.

It is a great article written by Emily Heward and full credit to Emily and the Manchester Evening News for the content.

The Manchester bars and coffee shops that won't let you pay with cash any more

Manchester Evening News  (1).jpg
Credit: Manchester Evening News

Manchester Evening News  (3).jpg
Credit: Manchester Evening News

Manchester Evening News  (4).jpg
Credit: Manchester Evening News

Manchester Evening News  (5).jpg
Credit: Manchester Evening News

The Manchester bars and coffee shops that won't let you pay with cash any more

I have manged to find the link again and thought it would be great to share it with you.

Credit: Manchester Evening News

More people are being made aware of Cryptocurrencies and the way we will live our lives in the future

Here is the link....
Credit: Manchester Evening News

MEN reporter Emily Heward completes a Bitcoin transaction with Sandbar's Ash Wright


Credit: Manchester Evening News

Once again, this is a great article and credit to Emily Heward and the Manchester Evening News for the content.

Contacting Emily Heward to promote #Steemit and #Steem

Over the next few days I will try and contact Emily to see if she would be interested in writing an article about #Steemit and #Steem and I will keep you posted on how I get on.

This would be a great #Promo-Steem initiative and I would recommend others reaching out to their local newspaper reporters to see if others would be interested in publishing more article on #Steemit and #Steem.

Thanks again for reading.


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