Which of These Things is Just Like the Others?

Referencing Sesame Street, of course... but let's look deeper.

I found this image on the below-referenced website the other day.


“The Blockchain will do to the financial system what the Internet did to the media.” Harvard Business Review

And the blockchain is built on the same energetic infrastructure as nature, yes, because 'nature' flows with the infrastructure of 'light' which is the information quotient of creative energy.

Take a look at the images. Feel for the similarities in energy. This feeling is part of what makes our adventure into de-centralized collaboration exciting! The blockchain is based on practical metaphysics. I have waited lifetimes to see this manifest consciously on a physical world. How about you?

Stay tuned. I am working on a longer post on that goes a bit more in-depth into the light tech of what is happening.

So much fun! Blessings to you all,

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