Days Since a Cryptocurrency Exchange Lost More than $100 Million

One of the bigger issues in the world of cryptoes is security. Not that big an issue for those conscious of the risks online and also aware of the simple fact that cryptocurrencies are basically money and thus need to be handled, stored with precaution.

Ever since the demise of Mt. Gox, users have lost coins and tokens which they held on cryptocurrency exchanges rather than in (offline/cold) wallets. It is normal to hold coins in an exchange, especially for those trading, but one should always be aware of the risks of doing so and thus limiting the amounts held in exchange accounts.

Those not convinced yet about the why, head over to @acidyo's excellent If you don't hold the private keys that give you access to your coins - the coins are not fully yours.

Twitter user HarryH recently launched the site Days Since A Cryptocurrency Exchange Has Lost More Than $100 Million, which may also be one of the longer URLs most have ever seen.

The site is as basic as they come and does only one thing: highlight the number of days since a cryptocurrency exchange lost more than $100 million in value.

Screenshot 2018-02-25 18.49.03.png

At the moment of writing, 13 days have passed since an exchange most recently lost more than $100 million in value. The last known issue being Bitgrail's loss of $170 million in Nano XRB tokens.

Before Bitgrail, Coincheck's reported $530 million loss end January this year was the most recent loss.

There is little doubt that while cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity, the counter on Days Since A Cryptocurrency Exchange Has Lost More Than $100 Million will need t be reset regularly because 100% online security is almost impossible to achieve.

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