merchants can now accept BITCORE $BTX using PayByte

Cryptocurrency payments have many benefits. Some of these benefits include simplicity, lower overall cost, security, privacy and a greater level of control over one’s funds.
Merchant adoption of cryptocurrencies around the world is already growing at a rapid rate, and Bitcore has been a part of that trend. Paytomat launched Bitcore on the platform, Brazilian bill payment service Kamoney started accepting payments in BTX, and now PayByte. Bitcore’s integration as a form of payment in these platforms represents a critical step forward in making BTX becomes a more widely adopted and easily accessible cryptocurrency and accelerates BTX adoption in real life.

Starting today BTX is integrated into PayByte crypto payments processor, and merchants from all over the world can start accepting Bitcore as a payment method with PayByte

Also there is an android app to facilitate payment for merchants. PayByte Checkout allows you to accept Bitcore payments from your Android device with ease. The app works as a virtual terminal (Point of Sale) and usability is simple, intuitive and quick to learn.

In this way, we continue to expand the BTX ecosystem. As Bitcore provides more services and partnerships that solve real business problems for merchants and consumers, adoption will continue to increase.

PayByte offers us easy to use options for the implementation of the service in the shops, you can see them and try them in these links: Payment Link Generator, Payment Button Generator.

We hope this platform will be as useful to cryptosphere as it continues to be for Bitcore.

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